Transgender Suicide Rate: A Comprehensive Analysis

Are you looking for the newest data on transgenders’ suicide rates? Then you’ve ended up in the right place. Based on +23,711 data points primarily from US transgenders this report sheds light on the complex interplay of factors that contribute to these devastating numbers and aims to ignite crucial conversations that can drive change.

In a world where the beauty of diversity is increasingly acknowledged and celebrated, the plight of transgender individuals remains a pressing concern. This report dives deep into the statistics and stories behind one of the most sobering aspects of their experience—suicide rates within the transgender community.

As we unveil the layers of this multifaceted issue, we hope to inspire empathy, understanding, and a collective commitment to creating a more inclusive and supportive world for our transgender friends, family members, and fellow citizens. Feel free to contact us at: for more info about the dataset, or if you have any questions about this report. If you use conclusions from this report please credit us as the source by linking to this page.

Key Findings

  • 8 out of 10 trans have seriously considered suicide (80%).
  • 4 out of 10 transgender attempts suicide (40.6%).
  • 10% of the ones that attempt are completed suicides (less than 1 out of 10 transgenders that kill themselves).
  • The number of completed suicides among transgenders is the same as for the normal population. It’s only the attempts that differ significantly.
  • 56% of transgender youth/teens (13-24 years) have attempted suicide.
  • 97% of trans that have experienced more than three situations of discrimination think about suicide. Around 50% of them try to commit suicide.
  • Native Americans are the race with the most attempts to commit suicide (57.3%). After Native Americans come biracial with 50.4%, and then Latinx with 44.5%.
  • 51.8% of trans that has less than a high school education attempts suicide – the lower their education the higher probability of attempting suicide.
  • The higher income the lower probability of committing suicide as trans. 47.3% of trans people with an annual income between $1 to $9,999 attempt suicide and only 29.6% of trans people with an income between $100,000 or more.
  • 39.5% of Trans “singles” attempt suicide. That’s the highest among the different relationship statuses.
  • 15% of transgenders that experience denied equal treatment have tried to kill themselves in the last year.
  • 9% of the ones that got rejected by their families have tried to commit suicide in the last year.
  • 29% that got attacked publicly have attempted suicide in the last 12 months.
  • As many as 60% of transgender men and transgender women in Iran have made suicide attempts.
  • 65% of Trans people rating their general health as “poor” attempts suicide. Where only 26.9% of people rating their health as “Excellent” attempts suicide.
  • 48.4% of trans individuals living with HIV attempt suicide, whereas only 43.4% that are HIV-negative do.
  • 5 out of 10 homeless trans individual attempts suicide (Only 3 out of 10 trans individuals that have a home does that).
  • 9 out of 10 transgenders that left a religious community because they got rejected consider killing themselves.

What is the transgender suicide rate?

  • 4 out of 10 transgender have attempted to commit suicide (this is the highest rate in the LGBT community). Only 10% of attempted suicides are completed. Meaning that less than 1 out of 10 trans dies from suicide. Compared to the normal population this is very high. The suicide rate for the normal population is 13.5 out of 100,000 individuals (

Transgender suicide rate chart

Transgender Suicide Overview in USA

Trans suicide rate by country

  • In India, an alarming 31% of transgender individuals have taken their own lives, with a staggering 50% of them attempting suicide before reaching the age of 20.
  • In the United Kingdom, nearly half (47.25%) of transgender participants reported experiencing suicidal ideation, while a significant proportion (27%) of participants have attempted suicide.
  • in New Zealand, one-fifth (20%) of transgender students have reported attempting suicide in the past 12 months.
  • Up to 60% of transgender men and transgender women in Iran have attempted suicide.

Transgender suicide rate by age

The suicide rate among transgender youth and teens (13-24) has the highest suicide attempts compared to the rest of the trans people (52.1%). That’s more than 5 out of 10 trans teens and youth that try to commit suicide.

It’s also mentionable that the older trans individuals become the less risk of attempting suicide. This is applicable to persons thinking about committing suicide as well as the ones that try to kill themselves.

Age RangeConsidered suicideAttempted Suicide

Transgender suicide rate by race

Alaska Natives and American Indians are the races that attempt to commit suicide the most (57.3%). Right after are biracial where 50.4% have attempted to commit suicide.

Race/EthnicityConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
Alaska Native/American Indian86.8%57.3%
Black/African American81.2%46.6%

Transgender suicide rate by sex (assigned at birth)

Men vs. women: 42.7% of transgender men (assigned girls at birth) attempt suicide. “Only” 37.2% of transgender women (assigned boys at birth) attempt suicide. This is different from the normal population where males are 3.5 times more likely to die from suicide than women.

GenderConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide

Transgender suicide rate by education

Higher education levels are generally associated with lower rates of both considering and attempting suicide.

Individuals with less than a high school education have the highest rates of both considering (85%) and attempting suicide (51.8%).

There is a notable decrease in the rates of considering and attempting suicide among individuals with a Bachelor’s degree or higher.

The smallest difference in suicide attempt rates is observed between individuals with some college (no degree)/Associates and those with a high school education.

The largest difference in suicide attempt rates is seen between those with less than a high school education and those with a graduate or professional degree.

Education LevelConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
Less than high school85%51.8%
High school84.6%48.5%
Some college (no degree)/Associate’s84.9%44.1%
Bachelor’s degree78.6%33.7%
Graduate or professional degree72.1%30%

Transgender suicide rate by workforce participation

Unemployed individuals have the highest rates of both considering (87.1%) and attempting suicide (46.4%).

Employed individuals have the lowest rates of considering (80.6%) and attempting suicide (38.4%) among the three groups.

The difference in suicide attempt rates between employed and unemployed individuals is notable, with unemployed individuals showing an 8% higher rate.

Although individuals out of the labor force have a slightly higher rate of considering suicide (81.7%) compared to those who are employed, their attempted suicide rate (42.9%) is notably higher than that of the employed group.

Employment status appears to have a significant impact on both considering and attempting suicide, with unemployment being a major risk factor.

Employment StatusConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
Out of the labor force81.7%42.9

Transgender suicide rate by annual income

Lower annual income levels are generally associated with higher rates of both considering and attempting suicide.

Individuals with an annual income of $1 to $9,999 and $10,000 to $19,999 show the highest rates of considering suicide, at 85.5% and 86.7%, respectively.

The highest rate of attempted suicide (48.5%) is observed among those with an annual income of $10,000 to $19,999.

As the annual income level increases, the rates of considering and attempting suicide consistently decrease, with the lowest rates found in the $100,000 or more income category (74% for considered and 29.6% for attempted suicide).

There is a substantial difference in attempted suicide rates between the lowest and highest income groups, highlighting the significant impact of financial stability on mental health and suicide risk.

Annual IncomeConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
$1 to $9,99985.5%47.3%
$10,000 to $19,99986.7%48.5%
$20,000 to $49,99984.2%42.9%
$50,000 to $100,00078.8%36.2%
$100,000 or more74%29.6%

Transgender suicide rate by relationship status

The highest rates of considering (85.5%) and attempting suicide (43.5%) are found among individuals who are partnered but not living together.

The lowest rates of considering (79.3%) and attempting suicide (40%) occur among individuals who are partnered and living together.

Single individuals and those in the “not listed above” category exhibit relatively similar rates of considering and attempting suicide, indicating a lesser impact of relationship status on suicide risk for these groups.

The difference in suicide attempt rates between partnered individuals living together and those not living together is significant, with a 3.5% higher rate among those not living together.

Relationship status seems to influence suicide risk, with the stability and support provided by living with a partner potentially serving as a protective factor.

Relationship StatusConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
Partnered, living together79.3%40%
Partnered, not living together85.5%43.5%
Not listed above83%40.8%

Transgender suicide rate by general health

Individuals with serious psychological distress, a history of heavy alcohol use, illicit drug use (excluding marijuana), poorer general health, disabilities, homelessness, or a recent arrest have higher rates of both considering and attempting suicide compared to their counterparts without these characteristics.

The highest rate of attempted suicide (65%) is observed among individuals with poor general health, while the lowest rate (26.9%) is found among those with excellent general health.

People who are homeless or have been arrested in the past year have notably higher rates of attempted suicide (59.3% and 58.1%, respectively) compared to those who have not experienced homelessness or arrest.

Individuals living with HIV show a lower rate of considering suicide (72.6%) compared to those who are HIV-negative (82%) or don’t know their status (81.7%), but they have a higher rate of attempted suicide (48.4%).

The presence of a disability, whether defined by the ACS or self-identified, is associated with significantly higher rates of considering and attempting suicide compared to those without a disability.

CharacteristicConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
Serious psychological distress
Heavy alcohol use
Illicit drug use (excluding marijuana)
General Health
Very good77.6%33.9%
HIV status
Living with HIV72.6%48.4%
HIV negative82%43.4%
Don’t know status81.7%36.8%
Disability (ACS)
Disability (self-identify)
Arrested for any reason (past year)

Suicide rate of transgender before and after surgery

Individuals currently taking hormones show slightly higher rates of considering (82.1%) and attempting suicide (42.6%) compared to those not taking hormones (79.2% and 40.8%).

Higher attempted suicide rates are observed among people obtaining hormones from a mix of licensed professionals and friends/others (51.4%) or solely from friends/others (52%) compared to those acquiring hormones exclusively from licensed professionals (41.6%).

Similar rates of considering and attempting suicide are found between individuals wanting hormones but not having had them, and those wanting and having had hormones.

Post-op individuals, who want and have had surgery, exhibit slightly lower rates of considering (79.0%) and attempting suicide (39.5%) than those who want but have not undergone surgery (83.9% and 41.5%).

De-transitioned” individuals demonstrate higher rates of considering (86%) and attempting suicide (52.5%) compared to those who have not de-transitioned (81.6% and 41.8%).

CharacteristicConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
Currently taking hormones
Where get hormones
Only licensed professionals81.7%41.6%
Professionals and friends/other87%51.4%
Only friends/other81.7%52%
Had/have hormones
Want them, haven’t had84.4%41.1%
Want them, have had81.9%42.4%
Had/have surgery
Want, have not had83.9%41.5%
Want, have had79.0%39.5%
Ever “de-transitioned”

Transgender suicide rate by religion

Individuals who have ever been part of a religious community show slightly higher rates of considering (82.2%) and attempting suicide (41.3%) compared to those who have not been part of one (80.7% and 38.6%).

A significantly higher rate of attempted suicide (60.4%) is observed among individuals who left a religious community due to rejection compared to those who did not leave for this reason (36.8%).

Both individuals who found an accepting religious community (88.1% and 60%) and those who did not (92.6% and 60.8%) show notably high rates of considering and attempting suicide, with only a slight difference between the two groups.

CharacteristicConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
Ever part of a religious community
Left religious community rejected
Found accepting religious community

Transgender suicide rate by type of violence

Individuals who have been physically attacked for any reason in the past year show significantly higher rates of considering (92.4%) and attempting suicide (64.9%) compared to those who have not been attacked (80.1% and 36.7%).

The rates of considering (93.8%) and attempting suicide (69.2%) are notably higher among individuals who have been physically attacked specifically because they are transgender in the past year compared to those who have not been attacked for this reason (80.5% and 37.7%).

Individuals who have experienced unwanted sexual contact at any point in their lives exhibit considerably higher rates of considering (89.7%) and attempting suicide (53.6%) compared to those who have not experienced such contact (74.7% and 28.7%).

CharacteristicConsidered SuicideAttempted Suicide
Physically attacked, any reason (past year)
Physically attacked because trans (past year)
Unwanted sexual contact (ever)
Number of discrimination experiences in the past year

Why is the transgender suicide rate so high?

As it appears above there are several triggers that make a transgender individual attempt suicide. In general, all of the tables above can be shortened to the following 5 themes. What are the primary reasons why the suicide rate for trans people is that high compared to the normal population.

Discrimination and Stigma

Transgender individuals often face significant social stigma and discrimination, both on an interpersonal and systemic level. This includes discrimination in housing, employment, education, and access to public services. The constant experience of prejudice and marginalization can lead to feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and increased risk for suicidal ideation.

Family Rejection

Many transgender individuals experience rejection from their families when they come out or begin to transition. This lack of support can result in the loss of important social networks, contributing to feelings of loneliness and depression. Family rejection has been consistently linked to poorer mental health outcomes and higher rates of suicidal ideation.

Violence and Harassment

Transgender people are at a higher risk of experiencing hate crimes, violence, and harassment due to their gender identity. The physical and emotional trauma from these experiences can contribute to mental health challenges and increase the risk of suicide.

Lack of Access to Quality Healthcare

Inadequate access to gender-affirming healthcare and mental health services can exacerbate the challenges faced by transgender individuals. Many healthcare providers lack the appropriate training or cultural competence to address the unique needs of transgender patients, resulting in inadequate care and potential harm.

Minority Stress

Minority stress refers to the chronic, unique stressors experienced by individuals belonging to stigmatized or marginalized minority groups. For transgender people, this can include internalized transphobia, expectations of rejection, and the constant need to conceal or manage their gender identity in hostile environments. These stressors can significantly impact mental health and contribute to higher rates of suicide.


Transgender individuals who belong to multiple marginalized groups (e.g., people of color, those with disabilities, or those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds) can experience compounded challenges and stressors that contribute to poorer mental health outcomes.

What can be done to lower the suicide rate among trans individuals?

As a matter of fact, the answer is not as difficult as you might think. If we all are more kind and accepting of people’s sexual orientation suicide rates in the LGBT community as well as for transgenders would be lowered significantly. That would be the biggest driver to solving this abnormally high rate.

Other solutions are more a way to solve the existing problem, and not get to the root. Would be to handle all the mental challenges that many transgenders have. Our data shows that there is a 60% decrease in moderate and severe depression who received gender-affirming care which led to a 73% decrease in suicidality among transgender youth and non-binary youth. So treatment does help!

When saying we should be more kind. It can be difficult to understand what that really means. But here are some areas where this should apply to:

Public Awareness and Education

Increase public understanding and acceptance of transgender individuals by promoting awareness and educating people about transgender identities and experiences. Encourage respectful dialogue and challenge harmful stereotypes and misconceptions.

Anti-Discrimination Policies

Implement and enforce anti-discrimination laws and policies that protect transgender individuals from discrimination in areas such as employment, housing, education, and healthcare. Ensure that these protections are comprehensive and effectively enforced.

Safe and Inclusive Environments

Create safe and inclusive spaces in schools, workplaces, and communities, where transgender individuals feel welcomed, respected, and free from harassment and violence. This includes implementing policies and training programs that promote inclusivity and diversity.

Access to Quality Healthcare

Improve access to gender-affirming healthcare and mental health services for transgender individuals. Train healthcare providers to be culturally competent and knowledgeable about transgender-specific healthcare needs. Ensure that insurance plans cover necessary treatments and services for transgender patients.

Family and Community Support

Encourage families and communities to support transgender individuals during their transition and beyond. Provide resources and education to help them understand and empathize with the unique experiences and challenges faced by transgender individuals.

Mental Health Services

Offer specialized mental health services tailored to the unique needs of transgender individuals. Increase the availability of and access to mental health professionals trained in gender-affirming care and therapies.

Peer Support Networks

Facilitate the creation of peer support networks and safe spaces where transgender individuals can connect with others who share similar experiences. These networks can provide essential emotional support, understanding, and resources.

Crisis Intervention

Implement and promote crisis intervention services specifically designed for transgender individuals, such as helplines, chat services, and other forms of support. Ensure that these services are staffed by trained professionals who understand the unique challenges faced by transgender individuals.

Intersectional Approaches

Recognize the diverse experiences of transgender individuals who may belong to multiple marginalized groups, such as people of color, those with disabilities, or those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Develop strategies that address the compounded challenges faced by these individuals.

Further Resources and Understanding

The journey of understanding and supporting transgender individuals is ongoing. While the statistics and stories shared in this report shed light on the pressing concerns faced by the transgender community, it’s essential to delve deeper into various aspects of their experiences. Here are some resources that can provide further insights:

  1. Exploring Transgender Experiences: Dive into the intricacies of the transgender journey, from understanding their unique challenges to celebrating their triumphs. Learn more about the statistics related to transgender individuals.
  2. The Detransition Journey: Detransitioning is a topic that’s not often discussed but is crucial to understanding the diverse experiences within the transgender community. Discover more about the statistics and stories related to detransitioning.
  3. Sexual Wellness and Exploration: Embracing one’s sexuality and understanding one’s body is a journey for everyone, including transgender individuals. Bedbible offers comprehensive reviews on various sex toys tailored to different needs. Whether you’re exploring transgender-specific sex toys or looking for the best couples’ vibrators, there’s something for everyone. Dive into the world of pleasure with top picks for vibrators, rabbit vibrators, male masturbators, and more.
  4. Exploring BDSM and Kinks: For those looking to explore the world of BDSM and kinks, Bedbible offers insights into various toys and tools. From understanding the allure of ball gags to the thrill of bondage restraints, there’s a world of exploration awaiting.
  5. For the Adventurous: If you’re looking to add some excitement to your intimate moments, consider exploring options like sex swings or even sex machines. Bedbible’s reviews can guide you in making the best choice for your needs.

Remember, understanding and supporting the transgender community goes beyond statistics. It’s about empathy, acceptance, and ensuring that everyone has the resources and knowledge to lead fulfilling lives.