There are a lot of different opinions about open marriages and open relationships.
To better understand this, we’ve researched, analyzed, and collected stats and facts.
Covering everything from how common open relationships are to what percent of open marriages end in divorce and much more.
Key Findings
- 4% of couples are in open relationships.
- Open marriages have a 92% chance of ending in divorce.
- 67% of women would end a relationship if their partner proposed an open marriage.
- 56% perceive open marriages as morally wrong.
- 1% of individuals +50 years old have experienced an open relationship.
- 20% of people date multiple partners simultaneously.
- 40% of open relationships are categorized as heavy drinkers.
- 32% of men vs. 19% of women show interest in open relationships.
- Open marriages (adultery) are illegal in 16 U.S. states.
- Millennials (41%) are more inclined towards open relationships than Gen Z (29%), Gen X (23%), and Boomers (12%).
#1 How common are open relationships and marriages?
There are more than 2 million registered marriages in the US and even more relationships, and a huge part of these are in an open marriage.
- 4% of all couples are in an open marriage/relationship. It’s 12% if you count the Nonconsensual with.
- 1 out of 5 that say they are single (e.g. when you meet them at a club) are in an open relationship.
- It’s primarily gays and bisexuals who are in an open relationship.
- 20% of all couples have tried to start an open relationship, but it’s only 4% that stick to it (as mentioned above).

#2 – What percent of open marriages end in divorce?
- 92% of all open marriages will sooner or later end in divorce (open marriage divorce statistics)

#3 – Wife sharing statistics
- 46% of males would leave their wives if they wanted to be in an open marriage
- 67% of females would stop the relationship if their partner asked them to start an open marriage
#4 – 56% believe that open marriages are morally wrong
In general, it seems like it’s either or when talking about open marriages. People find it difficult to understand the other side. Which of course leads to those strong opinions.
#5 – South USA is more against open relationships than the rest
Our interpretation of this is that people in those areas in general are more religious compared to the rest of the country. It’s though mentionable that the west was close to the south.
#6 – 51% are ready to date someone that’s married
In general, people are not that scared about dating someone who has taken it. The general thought is that it’s the person that married that has to say no. Also, men tend to be more open to dating someone that married compared to women.
#7 – 1% of people +50 years old have been in an open relationship
This is a big indicator that even though open relationships have been around for more than 60 years it’s still the young people that practice it the most.
#8 – 90% say they are more happy after engaging in an open relationship
Which of course is super news. This means that 9 out of 10 who decide to try this are happy with the decision. So in other words, if you think about starting on something like this, it seems like a good idea.
#9 – 1 out of 5 are dating more than one person at a time
This belongs to the grey zone of what we characterize as open relationships. Still a bit fun to know that you probably have to be very explicit about whether you’re dating seriously or not. And the meaning of this. This is important for the ones who expect that “serious” dating means that you’re only together with one at that time.

#10 – Risks of being in an open relationship
- 4 out of 10 that are in an open relationship are defined as a “heavy drinker”
- 5% say they are lonely
- 7 out of 10 have unprotected sex even though they are in an open relationship
#11 – 76% of women in open marriages say they are sexually satisfied
The sexual desire together with a feeling of not being heard is what lets people start in open marriages.
#12 – Men are more interested in an open relationship (32%) than women (19%)
It’s typically men who have the biggest sex drive. This is also seen in open marriages. Also, men are more willing to try new things. The combination of this leads to the fact that men are almost 2x times more interested in open relationships than women.
#13 – If you’re in an open relationship you tend to have more sexual partners (avg. 7 partners) compared to the normal (avg. 4 partners)
Which of course makes sense since you’re more sexually active, and also seeking it more.
#14 – 16 states in the USA have made it illegal to have open marriages
This is also valid in other countries. In some of them, you can get the death penalty. So please be aware of the laws in the country you’re living in. It is important to say that most of the 16 states in the USA do not enforce these laws.
Number | State | Crime |
1 | Arizona | Misdemeanor |
2 | Oklahoma | Felony |
3 | Kansas | Misdemeanor |
4 | North Dakota | Misdemeanor |
5 | Illinois | Misdemeanor |
6 | Wisconsin | Felony |
7 | Michigan | Felony |
8 | New York | Misdemeanor |
9 | Rhode Island | Misdemeanor |
10 | Maryland | Misdemeanor |
11 | Virginia | Misdemeanor |
12 | North Carolina | Misdemeanor |
13 | South Carolina | Misdemeanor |
14 | Georgia | Misdemeanor |
15 | Alabama | Misdemeanor |
16 | Florida | Misdemeanor |
#15 – Millenials are most interested in open relationships (41%) compared to Generation Z (29%), Generation X (23%), and boomers (12%)
Millennials also called Generation Y were born between 1985 and 1996 and are the generation that are most into open relationships. Compared to Generation Z which is from 1997 to 2012 and Generation X from 1965 – 1980 and Boomers which is even earlier from 1946 to 1964.
So again an indicator that tells the story that open marriages and open relationships are for the young generation, right now.
#16 – People in an open relationship have 3x more sex than in non-monogamy relationships
You are just more sexually active when you’re looking for it.
#17 – Different forms of open marriages/relationships
- Having secret affairs without both knowing it
- Having an affair, but where it’s only one of the partners that does it (both have agreed on it)
- Using escort without the other partner knowing it
- Going to swinger clubs or finding other couples that are ready for swinging (partner swaps)
- Emotional affair, where you bond with another person, but without having sex (physical activities)
To summarize we do think that open marriages work. It just depends on the couples practicing it.
From our perspective and the data from the report, it shows that it’s important to communicate to ensure that both of you agree about what happens.
Remember that you love each other, and you started this together as a fun gimmick you could have together, just the two of you.
Sources: Redonline, Comparecamp, Midlifedivorcerecovery, CNN and Newsweek.