Sex toy testing team

Bedbible Tester Team

Here are all our testers – known collectively as the Bedbible Tester Team!


This diverse bunch of incredible testers have put all kinds of sex toys through their paces and reviewed them thoroughly for you.


We continuously update this page with the reviews each tester has written, including who has achieved the honor of writing the most reviews, who has written our most popular reviews, and who is our featured tester of the month!


Do you also want to test sex toys and join the Bedbible Tester Team? Check below for more details…

Most Reviews (total)


Edie was selling sex toys in a home party plan long before they became mainstream! She uses her 30+ years of experience in pleasure products, romance, relationships, sexual health and writing to spread sexual education and positivity to anyone seeking advice and knowledge. She tells it how it is and uses real world experiences and humor to get her point across. Edie has been with BedBible since day 1 and also does review videos and podcast hosting.

Age: 56-65
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Sex toy experience: Expert
All-time favorite sex toy: Satisfyer Pro 3+
All articles and reviews

Most Popular Review

Moe Lawn
Moe Lawn

Here are all reviews and blog posts written by Moe Lawn.

Stay tuned for more content from this author.

Age: 40s
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Sex toy experience: Intermediate
All articles and reviews

Tester of the Month

Ashley Snyder
Ashley Snyder

I have over 10 years of experience exploring different toys, and love recommending my favorites to others! When I’m not working or having my “fun”, you’ll find me in front of a good movie with my cats!

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Sex toy experience: 10 years
All-time favorite sex toy: Icicles No. 18 Glass G-Spot Dildo
All articles and reviews

Sign up to become a tester!


At, we invite everyone to join us on our mission to provide objective, in depth sex toy reviews. We ship free sex toys to a big tester-team (that you can join!) in return for reviews published on our platform. The concept is simple, but provides everyone from the complete beginner to the industry expert with immense value by gaining free access to in-depth reviews of every sex toy out there.

Apply to Become a Sex Toy Tester


All Testers

1Conner Smith
Conner Smith
1Alec Hardy
Alec Hardy
1Amelia Harvey
Amelia Harvey
1Ben Allen
Ben Allen
1Charlotte Vine
Charlotte Vine
1Mahogany Valentine
Mahogany Valentine
1Danie Franke
Danie Franke
1Emmie Johnson
Emmie Johnson
1Jenay Leger
Jenay Leger
1Jennifer Carlisle
Jennifer Carlisle
1Kaitlyn Callahan
Kaitlyn Callahan
1Kamila Maciejewska
Kamila Maciejewska
1Miah Alfaro
Miah Alfaro
1Mistress Kay
Mistress Kay
1Oli Ochoa
Oli Ochoa
1Omar Mrva
Omar Mrva
1Rose Smith
Rose Smith
1Sofie Marcher
Sofie Marcher
1Suzannah Weiss
Suzannah Weiss
1Robin Seggar
Robin Seggar