Are Cock Rings Safe?

Are cock rings safe? It’s a great question to ask, especially considering they temporarily interfere with blood flow.

I am here to reassure you that you can absolutely enjoy cock rings safely, but as with a lot of things, it comes down to following a few easy rules and some common sense!

Cock rings are nothing new — we have been using them for hundreds of years.

Although I’m pretty happy there are more options available these days, as goat’s eyelid cock rings don’t excite me that much!

Luckily we have plenty of options to choose from these days, from soft stretchy silicone to cold hard metal or luxurious leather.

But, like any discerning sex toy user, you want to be sure it won’t damage your goods!

By the end of this article, you can go forth and don your penis ring without fear!

What are the benefits of a cock ring?

We have a whole post with all the ins and outs of how cock rings work and how to use them, so I’ll just cover some of the main benefits:

  • They trap blood in the penis for longer-lasting, harder erections.
  • You can use a cock ring to help with erectile dysfunction, especially in combination with a penis pump.
  • Many men enjoy increased sensitivity while wearing a cock ring.
  • Some cock rings come with added vibrations for you and your partner to enjoy. 
  • Other cock rings have beads for a little extra stimulation. Or even a cock ring with a butt plug.
  • They look sexy. Many cock rings are designed with aesthetics in mind, like these BDSM cock rings.
  • Dual cock rings have a second ring that can be slipped around your testicles.

Are cock rings dangerous?

Cock rings are safe when you use them properly, but as with anything that interferes with blood flow, there are some risks.

The main problems arise from wearing a penis ring that is too tight, wearing a penis ring for too long, or even worse, both.

Reducing blood flow for a short amount of time (no longer than 30 minutes) is fine for most people, but it’s important to allow the blood flow to return to normal after this time to prevent any problems.

When you shouldn’t use a cock ring

Some certain medical conditions and circumstances increase the risk of wearing a penis ring. You should never wear a penis ring if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol as you are more likely to lose track of time or miss any warning signs that something isn’t right.

You should not use a cock ring without consulting your doctor if you:

  • have any issues that affect your circulation, such as cardiovascular disease
  • are taking blood-thinning medication
  • have a penile disorder
  • have a genital injury, existing pain, or damaged or irritated skin

How to enjoy a penis ring safely

  • Choose the right size. To find the right size, you will need to measure around your erect penis using a piece of string. Check out this detailed guide on how to measure for cock rings to make sure yours fits like glove! If you are buying a rigid, non-adjustable cockring, it’s even more important to get this measurement right. If you’re not sure on how to measure or feel unsafe, then choose an adjustable cock ring.
  • Consider the material. Stretchy cock rings are better for beginners, as they have some give in them and are easier to put on and get off. Rigid materials are more difficult to use and remove in a hurry.
  • Never wear your cock ring for more than 30 minutes. If you are new to cock rings, it’s better to wear it for a shorter time.
  • Use lubrication to prevent any friction between your penis and the cock ring. Water-based lubrication is compatible with all sex toy materials, so this is a great option. 
  • Clean your cock ring before and after each use, or if you are using a single-use cock ring, be sure to dispose of it correctly.
  • If you are using a cock ring with a non-fluid bonded partner, be sure to use a condom. Remember to check that the lube you are using is condom compatible. 

Signs something is wrong

When you are wearing a cock ring, there are some things you should watch out for that can signify that your cock ring is interfering with your blood flow too much. If you notice any of the following symptoms, remove your penis ring immediately, and let the blood flow return to normal. If the symptoms persist, you should seek medical attention.

  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Pain
  • Irritation
  • Changes in color or temperature

Do cock rings hurt?

Cock rings shouldn’t be painful to wear when you use them safely.

There are some BDSM cock rings that come with added spikes for a mix of pleasure and pain, but standard stretchy cock rings, metal cock rings, or vibrating cock rings should not be painful.

If you experience pain using your cock ring, you should remove it immediately.

Pain is our body’s way of signaling that something is wrong and you should not ignore it, as it could be that your cock ring is too small.

Can a cock ring get stuck and what to do if it happens?

Cock rings, especially stretchy ones, rarely get stuck, as you can simply stretch the ring and remove it, but if it does happen, here’s what to do.

  1. Try to keep calm. You will be able to get it off.
  2. It’s easier to take a penis ring off a flaccid penis, so if you are still erect, tense some big muscles in your body, do some quick math, think of your Grandma — do whatever it takes to not be erect anymore.
  3. Apply more lube to help the ring slide off.
  4. If you cannot remove the cock ring, go to the emergency room, where they will be able to remove it safely. There is no shame in using sex toys and trust me, they’ve seen a lot worse. The only thing they care about is keeping you safe and healthy.