An increasing amount of people are starting to enjoy the delights of a good sex doll, and that’s why Jerk Dolls is becoming an increasingly popular website!
But rather than enjoying a physical doll, you get to only a 3D animated doll that you have all of the control over without any of the exerted effort!

I’m going to personally try out this site and game, and review it in the most honest and truthful way possible. I’ll make sure to try out every little bit of Jerk Dolls and report back with the good, the bad, and the ugly!
But what makes me so trustworthy? Well, I’ve had plenty of experience writing about all kinds of sex toys and porn websites. I’ve seen it all, and I definitely know what I’m talking about!
I always enjoy being able to put an erotic game through its paces, so I’m looking forward to seeing what Jerk Dolls has to offer. But will it live up to my high hopes? There’s only one way to find out!
🎟️ Jerk Dolls Promo Code!
Who doesn’t love something for free?! I certainly do! That’s why I’m providing you with a promo code that will guarantee you the lowest prices possible when it comes to subscribing to Jerk Dolls! You’re welcome!
Here’s What I’ll Cover In This Review!

When it comes to Jerk Dolls, there’s a lot to explore and talk about. So here are a few of the main points that I’m going to be hitting in this review:
- What is Jerk Dolls?
- Pros and cons
- Initial impressions and how I tested it
- The overall design of the site
- Company information
- Subscription tiers and payment
- Using Jerk Dolls as a paying subscriber
- So is Jerk Dolls REALLY a legit site?
As you can see, there is plenty to talk about, and hopefully I’m going to cover everything you need to know in the above topics! So let’s dive a little further into Jerk Dolls.
What is Jerk Dolls?
Jerk Dolls is a 3D porn game that allows you to control and interact with the doll characters that you create. You can choose and dictate whatever erotic situations you want, and really live out your wildest fantasies.
People are going to love that you have an active role in what goes on on the screen, and you can change and alter many aspects of it whenever you want. It really puts you in a position of power over the characters!
It’s a cool and unique take on enjoying porn, and I can see why these kinds of games are becoming more and more popular among consumers of porn.
Jerk Dolls is just another strand to the intriguing, interesting, and erotic ways that you can interact with your naughty adult content!

Pros and Cons
Each and every website has its own set of pros and cons, and Jerk Dolls is no different! So here are some of the high and low points that I noticed while trying it out:
- A browser based game
- Basic game is completely free
- Plenty of ways to control it
- Easy to use and pick up
- ‘Welcome quiz’ really helps build the sexual excitement
- Fun open-world concept where you can do as you please
- Good customer communication
- Answers a lot of frequently asked questions
- Graphics/animation isn’t overly great
- Paid content not that interesting
- Still need to provide credit card info even for the basic game
- Company information not available
- Website is overly wordy
There’s of course so much more to Jerk Dolls than the pros and cons that I just mentioned, but I’ll go into a little more detail about each of the points further in this review!
Initial Impressions and How I Tested It
Making initial impressions is all part of being human. We all do it! So when I first encountered Jerk Dolls, I formed my own first impressions of it.
I’ll be honest, these impressions aren’t necessarily good, bad, or even accurate; they are simply the first things that I noticed and strung to mind when I entered the website.
So here are my initial thoughts and impressions on Jerk Dolls. Perhaps they align with your own thoughts, perhaps not. What’s important is that we’re going to take a look at the site on the surface level!
Initial Impressions
The first major thing that struck me about Jerk Dolls is how pink the whole website is. It seems like a strange yet very obvious thing to notice as soon as you land on a webpage, but it was definitely the first thing that grabbed me!
The homepage is a mixture of very simple and straightforward, and also very wordy. It’s a strange juxtaposition that I’m not a massive fan of, as I prefer the more wordy sections to be hidden away on another page.

It opens things up by letting you know that Jerk Dolls was ‘Voted #1 X-Rated Online Porn Games Of 2023!’, something that it is clearly proud of, and for good reason!
It offers up images of some of the dolls that you can create and have fun with in order to try to tempt you in and get you to play, and while this might seem exploitative, it also totally works!

At the top of the page there are several tabs: FAQ, reviews, support, members, and more games. The FAQ section tries to answer some of the most popular and recurring questions that pop up from users.
For help, the support tab offers a form that can be filled in. You then submit it and get a personalized response from a (human) member of the Jerk Dolls team. That’s a nice touch!
The members section can only be accessed once registered with the site, and the more games tab brings up a sidebar of other erotic games that are affiliated with Jerk Dolls. These tabs are certainly very simple!
As I mentioned, one thing that I wasn’t a big fan of was how the lower half of the homepage contains quite a lot of text. An overwhelming amount – too much, for some people!

There are 9 separate sections of text, spread across 15 paragraphs of varying lengths. If I’m honest, I couldn’t be that bothered to read through it all, and I suspect most people will feel the same way.
I think it would have worked better if they broke the main points into bullet points, making it far easier for the viewer to digest. Alternatively, they could move that whole massive text section to maybe a features tab or something like that.
Considering the top half of the homepage is so visually exciting and pleasing, the huge wall-of-text on the bottom half really does kind of ruin it. Or it does for me, at least!
How I Tested It
You might wonder how exactly I went about testing Jerk Dolls. Well, it was simple, really; I just got stuck in there and tried it out. There’s nothing like a good firsthand experience, right?!
I tried out as much pre-registration stuff as I could before actually registering and trying out the game as a paying customer. That way I could experience Jerk Dolls from both sides. It definitely helped round out my thoughts and opinions!
It was important to me that I experienced the site exactly as YOU would, with no special perks or benefits. That’s why I subscribed and used it using my own money!
So as you can probably tell, I’m not going to be biased one way or the other. I literally just want to experience Jerk Dolls in the most objective and pure way possible so you get an honest and reliable review!
Overall Design of the Site
So now I’ve given you an overview of Jerk Dolls, it’s time to go a little deeper and take a more in depth look at what the site has to offer.
To be fair, I think my initial impressions did a pretty good job of letting you know what the site itself is all about. It’s mainly images designed to make you want to play and show off the graphics, butted up against a wall of text designed to (probably) overly inform you.
It’s all clearly designed to drive you towards signing up and getting a subscription to Jerk Dolls. Obviously, this is how they make their money, and their primary goal is to drive you to subscribe and play. I certainly can’t blame them for that!
Looking a little more closely at the tabs at the top of the page, the FAQ section answers 11 of the most burning questions that most people have.

I did quite like this, as many websites I see and use often aren’t as open about things and it’s tricky to find out answers to even the most basic of questions. Jerk Dolls just lays it all out there for you to see.
The reviews tab isn’t really a tab at all. Instead, it automatically scrolls you down to a section a little further down the homepage where there is a scrollable list of reviews.

There are 10 reviews from various users to read through. As I mentioned, you can scroll left and right through them and see what these real users actually had to say about Jerk Dolls.
As to how real and valid these reviews actually are, I don’t know, but they read as if they really were written by people who have actually used and enjoyed the site, so that has to count for something!
The customer support section is really handy. Not many websites have a place where you can submit your questions, and they will respond directly to your email address.

It’s a nice touch that adds a more human element to Jerk Dolls. It’s not often that you feel that human touch with websites like these, so I applaud this site for striving to have that fantastic level of customer service and support!
For a porn website, I think that Jerk Dolls really does feel like a personal and exciting thing. Before I’ve even gotten to the game itself, it has set itself apart from the competition, and that counts for a lot!
Company Information
It’s always useful when you can find a company’s information. It helps provide a bit of extra legitimacy to the company and gives you a sense that someone can be held accountable if something goes wrong.
Unfortunately, when it came to Jerk Dolls, I couldn’t find any info on the company or who owns it. This threw up a few red flags and made me a little more wary about using the site.
With that being said, though, the fact that they are very open to communicating with customers did settle my nerves a little. Sure, it would have been nice to know a bit more about the company and who owns it, but their communication offsets my worries a little.
Subscription Tiers and Payment
This is quite a strange one, as you don’t actually have to pay to play Jerk Dolls. Weird, I know!
You can enjoy this game for absolutely free, but you do also have the option of upgrading to more expansive packages with more content.
So here are the various subscription tiers that you can choose from:

The three different packages should be more than enough for most people out there. But it all comes down to what you want or need out of Jerk Dolls.
I’ll go through the various perks and differences in a moment, but first here is a breakdown of the various costs to help you make up your mind on which subscription tier is right for you!
Package | Price Per Day | Price Per Month | Price Per Year |
1 Month Tier | $0.99 | $29.95 | $359.40 |
90 Day Tier | $0.66 | $19.89 | $239.80 |
12 Month Tier | $0.24 | $7.45 | $89.50 |
As you can see, there are definitely savings to be made if you’re happy to go with the longer subscription packages. That yearly package certainly seems like a bargain compared to the other two!
Still, it all comes down to your financial situation and what level of pleasure and excitement you want. There is no right or wrong choice, and for me personally, I went with the monthly subscription tier for the sake of this review.
When I finally clicked the PLAY NOW button on the homepage, I was met with a series of 8 questions in popup boxes:

Not only are these designed to make sure that Jerk Dolls is the site for you, but it also build up that sexual tension and anticipation.
Not everyone is going to like this delayed entrance to the game, but I thought it was a pretty neat way of starting things off!
Once you’ve passed this ‘test’ you get to the actual registration process. This just allows you to get access to your free account.

I filled in all that information and made sure all the details were correct, and then I was directed to a secondary page that wanted to confirm my age and identity.
It wanted me to do this by submitting my credit card information. I found this to be a little concerning, as I may have only just wanted the free account and not to pay for anything, but on the other hand, I know they need to be sure everyone using Jerk Dolls is of a legal age.

As you can see, though, it also shows you what membership benefits you get if you sign up for a paid tier. These benefits include a multiplayer mode, access to bonus games, and extra content not available to the basic free tier.
So, with all that out of the way, let’s get on to the actual payment system!
One of the most important things about purchasing a subscription to Jerk Dolls (or any website for that matter) is that the payment system is safe and secure.
When upgrading to a higher paid tier, you can either use the credit card that you already inputted for your age varification, or you can use another form of payment:

As you can see, you can use Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Maestro, or even PayPal. This is pretty standard for most websites like this.
For me, PayPal was the quickest and most convenient way of doing things, so that’s how I upgraded my free Jerk Dolls subscription to the monthly option.
All payments are made through Epoch, which is a system designed to ensure that your money is protected. It’s like a middle-man that secures your transaction and protects you if anything goes wrong. It’s always a good thing to see that Epoch is involved!
Using Jerk Dolls as a Paying Subscriber
Once registered you can literally get down to playing the game. Because it is all browser based, there is no download, meaning that there is no extra wait.
You are thrown straight into the action! The game has no real plot, as aside from a few scenes that you have to sit through, it’s pretty open world and you can do whatever you want.
There are those who are going to want a more plot driven game, but to be honest, you don’t really need it. It’s all about the erotic fun, and not following intricate and convoluted storylines that just cause delays between your naughty experiences!
You have a lot of control over what is going on on the screen, and you can mix up a lot of the content. For example, there is a whole range of sex positions you can try. Simply choose one and enjoy the scene playing out!

The remote control on the left hand side of the screen gives you access to all of the customization options that you would want, from the aforementioned position selector, to the type of sex that your characters are having.
You can select between 8 different positions, as well as vaginal or anal sex. There is also a button that allows you to cum when you’re ready to reach your climax! You also have POV as an option too, if you’d prefer to watch the porn in that way.
There is a meter at the bottom of the remote control that allows you to choose the intensity of what is happening, from teasing, to soft sex, to the hard and extreme stuff. For the most part, I went in the middle so I could fully enjoy what I was watching!
The control also allows you to literally move the camera to wherever you want it, meaning that even your view is completely customizable. There are two cameras to choose from, and you have directional arrows that allow you to pan, tilt, and even zoom.
And for those of you who are a little worried that the remote control will get in the way and distract from the fun, the controller can be completely hidden so you get a full screen experience!

The paid upgrades that I subscribed for included several extra positions that you can use, as well as a few extra locations and scenarios. Personally, I didn’t find that aspect too worth it, and if I’m being honest, you’re going to be more than happy with the basic free game.
Graphics wise, Jerk Dolls was a little hit and miss. I realize that it’s a game and it’s never going to look like real life, but I found it to be a little distracting and un-sexy at times!
I know not everyone will have this issue, and some may prefer the computer generated look. I will admit that for a free game, the graphics and animations are excellent, if a little unrealistic and repetitive. But hey, like I said, it’s free so I’m not going to complain too loudly!
So Is Jerk Dolls REALLY a Legit Site
Do I think that Jerk Dolls is really a legitimate site that is worth visiting? Yes, I do! And I have a few good reasons!
Not only does it come highly recommended from many places, but it also boasts that it was ‘Voted #1 X-Rated Online Porn Games Of 2023!’ It might seem like they are bragging, but they are right to do so!
The payment system is very safe and secure, and because payments are made through Epoch, you can be sure that your money is safe and that nothing is going to go awry. That’s always a good sign with ANY website!
The website is neat and bright, and while it may be a little wordy at some points, it’s clear that Jerk Dolls is trying to make you feel welcome and settled enough to continue on to the game.
Still, it’s not all good, though!
The fact that I can’t find much in the way of company information is a bit of a red flag, though it’s not a deal breaker. The fact that they are willing to engage with players makes them feel a lot more approachable and trustworthy.
The graphics and animations in the game can get a little boring and repetitive, and unless you mix things up by selecting new things then it can get kind of stale. Same with the sounds. They are great, but obviously have to be looped after a certain length of time.
That could be a bit of a nitpick but it’s definitely something that jumped out to me!
Overall though, Jerk Dolls is a great choice, for a free game. Sure, you can pay and subscribe for more content, but in all honesty, you don’t particularly need to. Just enjoy the basic game for what it is!
So yes, I’ll just reiterate the fact that for me personally, I think that Jerk Dolls has a lot more good points than bad points, and is a legitimate website that is completely worth visiting!