Write for us

Bedbible is your go-to source for product reviews, insightful statistics, and educational content on sexual wellness.

Our Vision

Your One and Only Source on the Journey to Better Sex

What is in it for you?

  • As a contributor to Bedbible, you have an opportunity to engage with our readers. We are a website with over 600,000 monthly readers, let your voice and your writing be heard all around the globe!
  • With Bedbible expanding month on month, your work will be showcased to the whole of our online community, including our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages, giving you exposure to a huge audience.
  • All blogs submitted will contain your bios, and pictures (anonymity is allowed if you prefer it) and they will link back to you on social, giving more publicity and promotion to your brand.
  • Your experience can be used on a resume, college, or job application, and we will be available to provide references. You’ll also be first in line to join our tester program, where you will receive free sex toys.


  • Articles are unpaid – however, the exposure for your brand will far outweigh this, and that doesn’t count other perks.
  • Free sex toys – you will be first in line (on a waiting list of +17.0000 people who have signed up to join our sex toy tester program)
  • Paid positions – we frequently hire new (s)experts, writers, and marketers for the team. Having proved your worth through writing allows for us to get unique insights into your abilities, and hire you based on those.
  • Premium access to Canva – as part of your job, you will create graphics for your posts, and can use the premium Canva account for this, as well as other private creations.


  • Understand BedBible. Make sure your column fits our mission. Make sure it’s sex-positive, funny, and maybe a bit edgy. It is also important for us that it’s Informative, well-written, and unique (no copying from other sites).
  • Write about a specific topic. Advertisements, or posts with external links, are not accepted.
  • Good Grammar. Make sure your article is well-written and checked for any grammar mistakes.
  • You will receive topics to cover. We will give you a short brief on the topic, or you can suggest your own – guidelines for those suggestions and articles are provided below:
    • Your article suggestion covers a unique topic, that people will be looking for answers or content on.
    • Suggest articles by providing a title and a short outline of the post (please include the subheadings you wish to include)

When writing:

  • The post must be +1000 words
  • The post must include at least 3 unique images created in Canva
  • The post should include links to other relevant posts on Bedbible.com

How to apply

Please send an email to: benjamin@bedbible.com

The email should include:

  • Full name
  • Email
  • Link to socials
  • A short bio (75-200 words)

You can also include:

  • If you have a favorite sex toy, include a link to it.
  • Link to a toy, that you would like to test if you want to join our tester program.
  • If you have a blog post idea yourself already, include the details described above about it. If not, we will help you with this.