Sexual Addiction Statistics: 24 Eye-Opening Facts

Sexual addiction is a topic that has garnered significant attention over the years. Through extensive research and numerous studies, we’ve compiled a comprehensive set of 24 statistics and facts that shed light on the prevalence and intricacies of sex addiction in the United States. Dive in to discover the most detailed and accurate representation of this often misunderstood condition.

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#1: 21 million Americans are sex addicts

The percentage of Americans who are addicted to sex has risen from 3% in the 1990 to 6.4% in 2022, meaning that an estimated 21,164,422 Americans live as sex addicts.

#2: 2 out of 3 sex addicts are men

Personality factors that are more prevalent in men such as ‘Openness to experience’ and ‘Neuroticisms’ play a big part in why more men become sex addicts compared to women.

#3: 93% of sex addicts also suffer from porn addiction

7.9% of Americans suffer from porn addiction, and often a porn addiction will develop into a sex addiction or vice versa. The two groups are closely connected and overlapping.

#4: 1 out of 3 men self-report that they feel addicted to porn

Surprisingly, research suggests that only 7.3% of Americans are estimated to suffer from porn addiction, while when asked up to 33% of men will answer that they feel addicted to porn.

#5: 98% of sex addicts with a partner feel rejected by their partner

A lot of negative emotions come with being a sex addict, one of them is the fact that the addiction will cause the addict to feel rejection. Some of the other negative emotions reported by addicts are:

  • Betrayed
  • Depressed
  • Abandoned
  • Isolated
  • Lonely
  • Humiliated
  • Angry

#6: 40% of sex addicts have an STI

More specifically 38% of men and 45% of women with sex addictions have a venereal disease at any given time.

#7: Only 5% of addicts who go into rehab recover from the addiction

Only 5% of sex addicts report having recovered from the addiction after going into rehab. This does not mean, that 95% relapse into a negative addiction, however. Most addicts learn to live with their addiction and control it.

#8: 72% of sex addicts relapse in under 6 months after joining rehab

Recovering from sex addiction is though, as the numbers show that 72% of all the sex addicts who join rehab will have a relapse within the first 6 months of joining.

#9: Sexual addiction was first diagnosed in 1983

Sexual addiction was first named and diagnosed as so in 1983 by Patrick Carnes in his publication “Out of the Shadows: Understanding sexual addiction” which was released by Hazelden Publishing and has since been cited over 1,558 times.

#10: In 1993 the American Psychiatric Association removed ‘Sexual Addiction as a diagnosis

in 1993 the American Psychiatric Association removed the diagnostic indicator for sexual addiction from the DSM-IV. It was later reintroduced in 2014 with the DSM-IV-TR.

#11: 80% of women with a sex-addicted male partner suffer symptoms of depression

Sex addiction will typically cause deeply rooted conflicts, and negative emotions and have a big impact on the addict’s partner. Equally worrying is the fact that 60% of women developed an eating disorder after discovering the actions of a partner with a sexual addiction.

#12: 81% of sex addicts were sexually abused as a child

Abuse as a child is a very common determinant in individuals with a sexual disorder. That also means that there is a strong correlation between experiencing abuse as a child and developing sex addiction later in life. Some other abuse statistics:

  • 72% of sex addicts were physically abused as a child
  • 97% of sex addicts were emotionally abused as a child

#13: 94% of sex addicts have filmed themselves having sex

A predominant thing among sex addicts is constantly seeking new boundaries and things to do in bed – not because they with their partner decide to explore new boundaries but rather to challenge themselves and get a kick.

#14: 3 out of 5 sex addicts self-report posting naked photos of themselves online regularly

With Onlyfans becoming more and more popular, posting racy photos online might not seem like such an unorthodox thing anymore. However, the fact that a large proportion of sex addicts do it compared to the general population tells you that receiving sexual attention is important for addicts.

#15: Only 2% of sex addicts have never had a one-night stand

Being a sex addict also means looking for consecutive partners, often without any emotional attachment. This is typically a mutually agreed upon thing in hookup culture.

#16: Male sex addicts have on average had 32 sexual partners

Having told this number to some, they find it as a surprisingly small number. Of course, just because a person is a sexual addict doesn’t mean that they are also successful in attempts to find partners. Nor does it mean, that they will even attempt it – anxiety or other social dynamics might come into play. That being said, 32 partners, is the average meaning that some sexually addicted persons have had multiple hundred partners.

#17: 74% of sex addicts self-report to lead a double life and lie regularly

Sexual addiction is often not shared by the addict or even properly diagnosed. When it goes untreated the last report to fulfill the addiction is typically through lying and setting up a double life.

#18: 4 out of 10 women report withdrawing their emotional connections to a sex-addicted partner

Addicts typically hurt those around them more than they hurt themselves. Sexual addiction is no different. Apart from depression and eating disorders, partners of sexual addicts also fall out of love in 4 out of 10 cases due to the addiction.

#19: Female sex addicts report to have had 22 sexual partners on average

The number of sexual partners that female sexual addicts report to have had are significantly lower than the male sexual addicts – 22 sexual partners for women and 32 for men.

#20: 38% of sex addicts also had an anxiety disorder

Research indicates that sexual addiction often comes as part of a dual diagnosis or multiple co-occurring disorders. Other disorders include:

  • 40% of sex addicts displayed symptoms of substance abuse.
  • 72% of sex addicts displayed symptoms of depression.
  • 23% of sex addicts displayed symptoms of bipolar disorder.

#21: Children of households where parents displayed addictive behavior are 22 times more likely to become sexually addicted later in life

With the addictive behavior of parents often comes abusive situations, however, solely just the fact that parents displayed this behavior makes individuals less able to control and suppress sexually compulsive behavior later in life.

#22: There are 8 specialized sexual addiction treatment centers in the US

2 out of 8 sex addiction centers are located in Florida. The rest are located in Texas, California, New York, Mississippi, Nevada, and Massachusetts.

#23: If all sexual addicts was admitted to treatment at the same time the subscription of centers would overflow by 11,354%

Most treatment centers will only have patients subscribed and living at the center for around 90 days, so to directly translate that into a percentage overflow is stretching it, but even though it does display the lacking capability to help people that struggle with involuntary sexual compulsion.

#24: 21% of sex addicts suffer from ADHD

ADHD is associated with addictions in general terms, both drugs and alcohol, and compared to the general public where 4.4% have ADHD there is a high proportion (21%) of sexual addicts who also suffer from ADHD.

The Six Types of Sex Addiction: Understanding the Complexities

Sex addiction, also known as a hypersexual disorder or compulsive sexual behavior, is a behavioral addiction characterized by an excessive preoccupation with sexual thoughts, urges, and behaviors, leading to significant distress and negative consequences. Just as with any other addiction, sex addiction can manifest in various forms, with each type presenting unique challenges and requiring specialized treatment approaches. In this article, we will explore six different types of sex addiction to better understand this complex disorder.

1. Fantasy-driven Sex Addiction

Fantasy-driven sex addicts are primarily preoccupied with sexual fantasies and daydreams, which serve as a means of escape from real-life stressors, emotions, or dissatisfaction. These individuals may experience intrusive thoughts, spend an excessive amount of time immersed in fantasies, and often turn to pornography, erotic literature, or virtual relationships to fuel their imagination. Although they may not always engage in high-risk sexual behaviors, the constant preoccupation with fantasies can lead to emotional distress, relationship difficulties, and a disconnection from reality.

2. Anonymous Sex Addiction

Individuals with anonymous sex addiction compulsively seek sexual encounters with strangers or people they barely know. The anonymity and lack of emotional connection provide a sense of excitement and reduced guilt. These individuals may engage in one-night stands, anonymous online hookups, or cruising in public spaces for casual sex partners. This type of sex addiction is particularly risky due to the increased likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted infections and the potential for physical harm or legal consequences.

3. Pornography Addiction

Pornography addiction is characterized by excessive consumption of pornographic material, leading to a loss of control and significant negative consequences in one’s personal and professional life. This type of sex addiction can manifest as a compulsive need to view pornography, a preoccupation with pornographic thoughts, and an inability to achieve sexual satisfaction without pornographic stimuli. As the addiction progresses, individuals may seek out more extreme or taboo material to achieve the same level of arousal, which can further strain relationships and contribute to feelings of shame and guilt.

4. Masturbation Addiction

Masturbation addiction involves compulsive and excessive self-stimulation, often used as a means of self-soothing, coping with stress, or escaping negative emotions. While masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity, it can become problematic when it interferes with daily functioning, relationships, and one’s overall well-being. Individuals with masturbation addiction may prioritize the act over other important aspects of their lives, leading to social isolation, decreased work or academic performance, and feelings of shame and guilt.

5. Multiple Affairs and Infidelity

Individuals who compulsively engage in multiple affairs and infidelity may have an underlying sex addiction. This type of addiction is characterized by a constant pursuit of new sexual partners, often outside of committed relationships, and an inability to resist sexual temptations. This behavior can result in emotional turmoil for both the individual and their partner(s), leading to broken trust, relationship conflicts, and potentially the dissolution of relationships.

6. Pay-for-Sex Addiction

Pay-for-sex addiction involves compulsively seeking out paid sexual encounters, such as engaging with sex workers, visiting massage parlors, or participating in sex tourism. Individuals with this type of addiction may rationalize their behavior as a way to satisfy their sexual needs without emotional attachment. However, the compulsive nature of this addiction can lead to financial difficulties, legal consequences, and an increased risk of sexually transmitted infections.


Sex addiction is a complex and multi-faceted disorder that can manifest in various forms. By understanding the different types of sex addiction, individuals can better identify their patterns of behavior and seek appropriate treatment and support. Treatment for sex addiction typically involves a combination of individual therapy, group therapy, and self-help groups, tailored to address

Others have also suggested 6 types of root causes for sexual addictions

  1. Biological Sex Addicts: People who excessively masturbate and view pornography, leading to challenges in relational sex. Treatment involves changing behavior and retraining the brain to accept a new “normal.”
  2. Psychological Sex Addicts: Individuals who use sexual fantasies and behaviors to self-medicate past issues of abandonment, abuse, or neglect. Treatment involves addressing the root causes of these issues and rebuilding self-image and value through healthier means, often with the help of a licensed counselor or psychologist.
  3. Spiritual Sex Addicts: People seeking a spiritual connection through sex, attempting to fill a spiritual void. Treatment involves healthily nurturing spirituality, often with the help of spiritual leaders and licensed counselors.
  4. Trauma-Based Sex Addicts: Individuals who have experienced sexual trauma(s) as a child or adolescent, with the trauma becoming the major repetitive behavior in their addiction. Treatment involves identifying and addressing the trauma and working with licensed counselors for recovery.
  5. Intimacy Anorexia Sex Addicts: People who withhold intimacy from their partners, causing them to feel like roommates. Treatment involves developing emotional capacity, sharing deeper emotions, and practicing intimacy, often with the help of licensed counselors.
  6. Mood Disorder Sex Addicts: Those who suffer from depression and use sexual behaviors to medicate chemical imbalances. Treatment typically involves professional help from licensed counselors and psychologists, and possibly prescribed medications.

In conclusion, sex addiction is a complex issue with various types and treatment approaches. Recovery often involves professional help and a combination of counseling, group therapy, and specialized resources.