Tantric Reiki

Ready to harness the healing powers of Tantric Reiki but aren’t sure where to start? I took the Tantra Reiki Certification on Udemy to find out if it’s worth your time and money!

Not only does the course dive into the chakra system and Reiki principles, but it also teaches you how to perform tantric energy healing on yourself and others.

It takes you through all three levels of Tantric Reiki, culminating with a master level attunement. On completion of the course, you will be a certified Tantra Reiki Master practitioner and teacher.

Sounds pretty great right! But does the course live up to it’s claims? In this review, I’ll share my honest opinion of the course, who I would recommend it to. I’ll also give you a clear explanation of what you can expect from the course.

Here’s everything you can find out in this review:

What is the Tantra Reiki Certification?

The Tantric Reiki course is open to all levels from complete beginners. It covers everything you need to know to start practising tantric reiki healing, including master-level attunement and Reiki Tantra certification.

It is accredited by IOATH — the International Association of Therapists. Succesful completion of the course will allow you to practice Reiki healing and even has a section on how to set up a Reiki business!

Course Structure

The Udemy reiki course is just 2.5 hours in total and consists of eight different sections. Each section covers a different topic and contains short videos of up to 15 minutes long, but many are much shorter.

Section 1: Foundations of Tantra Reiki

This section consists of 7 short videos including a course introduction; the main principles of Reiki; an explanation of aura, chakra, and kundalini; and a guided exercise to help you recognise the feeling of reiki energy.

Section 2: Tantric Trance

Here, you can learn about the three phases of the tantric trance and follow step-by-step instructions for how to get into the tantric trance for performing Reiki healing.

Section 3: Tantra Reiki Level 1

This section covers everything you need to access level 1 attunement. You will learn techniques for identifying problem areas, including an aura scanning technique and an overview of the chakras and how to recognise any imbalances. It also explains how to practice tantric Reiki on yourself, on another person, on groups, and to heal past-life incidents.

Section 4: Tantra Reiki Level 2

Continuing into the second level of tantric Reiki certification, you will deepen your knowledge with three pillars of a Reiki session, the level 2 Reiki symbols, and how practice distance healing.

Section 5: Tantra Reiki Level 3

The third and final level covers everything you need to know to qualify as a Reiki Master and even be able to train others in Tantric Reiki. In this section, you will learn the level the level three Reiki symbols and how to teach and attune students of your own.

Section 6: Setting Up a Tantric Reiki Business

Learn how to set up and run a successful tantric Reiki business of your own, including spiritual life coaching and ethical conduct within Reiki.

Section 7: Professional updates

A short section on the impact of AI and how to remain relevant in the ChatGPT era.

Section 8: Getting Certified

The final section consists of a self reflection exercise and quiz to consolidate the knowledge you’ve gained in the course. You will also get all the information about how to access and prepare for the distance attunement for all three levels in the course.

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What is Tantric Reiki and How Can You Use It?

Tantric Reiki is a tantric energy healing technique that combines the life philosophy of Tantra and the healing modality of Reiki.

Contrary to what you might think, Tantra is not about sex. Sexual practices and the cultivation of sexual energy is just one small part of Tantra and it’s instead a spiritual path, which involved understanding and connecting with the universal energies.

Reiki is also an energy-based practice, but it focuses on using energy specifically to heal ailments. It can be used to treat chakra imbalances, physical or psychological illnesses or for increasing general well-being. It involves channeling healing energy from the universe, through your hands and guiding it to the problem areas of the recipient’s body.

This course also offers a Reiki Tantra certification, meaning you will be able to practice Tantra Reiki on individuals or groups and even teach it to others.

Tantric Reiki involves the traditional techniques of Reiki, combined with the energetic concepts of Tantra. For example, Tantra teaches that we all have masculine and feminine or yin and yang energies within us and uniting these energies in tantric Reiki can increase your healing abilities. The practice also involves connecting your aura and chakra’s to the recipient.

Tantric Reiki Course: My Review

Having grown up around Reiki and studying tantra myself, I found this course very intriguing, as it unites both practices.

I was a little skeptical just how much I could learn in a 2.5 hour course, and while I’m sure there’s plenty more detail you could dive into, I was pleasantly surprised by just how much this course covered!

Overall, I think this is a really great course for learning the foundations of tantric Reiki and starting to practice this healing modality. It covers a great amount of information in a relatively short time, making it very accessible. This is, however, also one of it’s drawbacks, as there is only so much you can fit into a 2.5 hour course.

Here’s what I loved about the course:

The Tantric Reiki course covers a lot of information without being too overwhelming. Having been through all of the materials once, I felt like I had a pretty good understanding of the chakra system and it’s imbalances, how to structure a reiki healing session and the Reiki symbols.

There are some areas that I would need to revisit. For example, as this is my first time encountering the Reiki symbols, I would need to revisit this to solidify my understanding. Luckily, once you’ve purchased the course, you can go back and revisit the materials as many times as you like!

I was also impressed by how well the course covers the chakra system and their imbalances. This can be a nice refresher if you already have some knowledge of the chakras. However it’s comprehensive enough that it doesn’t matter if you are completely new to the topic.

The slides are well designed and complement the spoken instruction well. I also really like that you can access the transcript if you prefer to read the materials. There are some slight mistakes where the automatic transcription doesn’t quite get it right, but it’s still useful to have!

What didn’t I like so much?

While there’s little I would critique about the content of the course, I’m not convinced that a 2.5 hour course is sufficient to become a certified Tantra Reiki Master/teacher. I think this will depend on your previous experience with Reiki and how much you practice it.

However, as someone that hasn’t actively practiced Reiki before, I would need a lot more time and experience to feel comfortable teaching others.

It also makes me a little concerned that people might exploit this certification without putting in the work in and developed their skills. I guess that’s more of a critique online certification than this course in particular, though!

Is the Tantric Reiki Course Worth It?

I would say it’s definitely worth it if you are interested in learning more about this healing modality, especially if you can pick it up in one of Udemy’s many sales! Full price the course costs just over $70, but you can get it for as little as $17 when it’s on sale!

Plus, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with the course! You can see the refund policy for more details.

Who Would I Recommend this Tantric Reiki Course to?

If you are curious about getting into Tantric Reiki or have some experience and are looking for attunement or certification, this is a great quality course! I would say it’s not in depth enough to go from zero experience to feeling confident enough to be a Tantric Reiki healer or even teacher after taking this course, but that’s kind of to be expected, considering it’s just 2.5 hours long.

I would also say this is a fantastic Udemy Reiki course for tantra practitioners that want to add a healing modality to their practice.

As a tantra practitioner, I found this course a really interesting addition to my knowledge of the chakra system. It also sparked my interest in practicing Reiki on myself or with a partner as form of healing or connection!

This is not a sexual course, so if you are looking for sexual tantra practices or Neotantra, this is not the course for you. However, Beducated has a whole selection of Tantra courses for couples and solo exploration!

That being said, tantric Reiki can absolutely be incorporated into sexual and sensual practices! For example, you could use it to heal imbalances in the lower, sexual chakras or connect more deeply a partner! Plus, it would make a fantastic addition to a tantric massage!

More Reviews of the Tantric Reiki Course

Curious what other people thought of the Tantric Reiki course? Let’s take a look at the reviews and ratings.

The course has a 4.8/5 star rating based on 120 ratings, which is a really great score! Plus it has been taken 2,430 students, making it a popular course. Here are some of the ratings from other students.