![What Does a Fleshlight Feel Like [Survey]](https://wp.bedbible.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/What-Does-a-Fleshlight-Feel-Like.png)
The Fleshlight is one of the most popular male masturbators on the market today. But, what does a Fleshlight feel like? That’s something you may be curious about; especially if you’re considering parting with your hard-earned cash and buying one.
So, I dug around the internet, looked at ratings and reviews, and read random comments from 100 men describing what a Fleshlight feels like.
The Fleshlight 100 Men Opinion Breakdown

I read and pulled together the opinions of 100 men from all across the internet. And, of those 100 guys, 41 said they liked the Fleshlight, 45 declared their love for the product and just 14 men said they didn’t care for the Fleshlight or just downright hated it. Better yet, dozens of dudes shared more details about how a Fleshlight actually feels.
How Does a Fleshlight Feel?
While some men don’t kiss and tell – even when it comes to sex toys – some men were pretty forthcoming with the details when asked, “How does a Fleshlight feel?” And although there were positive and negative comments as well as some pretty interesting tips on using the product, these two comments sum things up in a nutshell.
Meta Zoa had this to say:
“It’s one of my favorite sex toys. I have the STU (stamina training unit) as I didn’t want the normal bland sleeves most toys have and to help for overall stamina, to which I believe it has helped a bit.
It feels more like the real thing then [sic] just your hand for obvious reasons, so if you are looking for something that is more like a real pussy, ass or mouth while you masturbate, I would recommend it, especially over the other sex toys out there.
I don’t mind the cleaning of the toy afterwards. All you need to do is take it apart which is simple enough and douse it with warm water. So, I don’t consider it a flaw. Normally when I use my hand it is accompanied with lube and a cock ring. I can have a bigger orgasm with the lube, cock ring and STU in instances.”
In answering “What’s it like to use a Fleshlight?” Jim McAllistar said this on Quora:
“Definitely better than your hand. I owned one back in their early days, I hear they’ve developed all kinds of new variations. They have a couple of advantages, one being depth of penetration, they effectively simulate an orifice by being able to stimulate a greater area simultaneously than your hand generally can.
Another is that the cap on the back can be loosened or tightened to increase or decrease suction from air displacement, in that you can loosen it, insert yourself fully and then tighten the cap and it produces a surprisingly strong, effective suction.”
And speaking of using a Fleshlight vs your hand, quite a few men (62 out of 100) preferred the sex toy than good, ole fashioned spanking the monkey.
Fleshlight VS Hand, which is Better?

Although most men think it’s easier to just give themselves a thorough hand-service, more than 60% of Fleshlight users now prefer the masturbator over doing it old school.
Yudro Borges had this to say when comparing a Fleshlight to masturbating with your hand:
“Yes, I’ve tried the Fleshlight, as well as Tenga Egg, and several other “Onahole” devices. They feel different from using my hand, and more like actual sex. Both the penetration, and the fact that the entire penis is surrounded by soft wetness (I don’t use lube or lotion when using my hand). They can make me come a lot faster, if I want.”
On the other hand (pun intended), Merlin Cafarella prefers his own skills to the feeling of a Fleshlight:
“The Fleshlight is fun, but not as satisfying as the ol’ palm and fingers when you are masturbating by moving your hand… BUT if you are masturbating by moving your hips, with your Fleshlight mostly motionless in your hands or trapped between your mattress and box spring, the physical motion of your body is a big part of the good sensations; after all, sex with a partner doesn’t only happen to your penis and hand, you use your whole body!.”
Speaking of using your entire body, the men had some interesting ideas of places to stick your Fleshlight so you can have that hands-free humping that some say makes the Fleshlight action feel more like actual sex. But more on that later.
Let’s see what men had to say when comparing a Fleshlight with the feeling of a vagina.
Fleshlight VS Vagina
Fleshlight vs vagina, does it feel the same? 41 out of the 100 men who went into detail on how a Fleshlight feels said that the sensations are similar to having sex with a woman. And although the Fleshlight did feel great to many guys, not everyone was able to close their eyes and remember the last, hot roll-in-the-hay they experienced.
When answering “What’s it like to use a Fleshlight?” Anonymous explained things well:
“The weight of the woman coming down and riding your cock is absent from the entire sensation. It does feel good, don’t get me wrong, but all those other feelings your body goes through are nowhere to be felt. No breasts grazing my face, no ass to grab, just a weird plastic-y feel. I learned early, that you gotta go slow and try to simulate real sex or it doesn’t work. If you use it just as you would when jacking off with your hand, then why even bother?”
While that’s not a glowing review of what a Fleshlight feels like, Willie Dean Roberts had a more exciting experience:
“I bought my first Fleshlight about 12 years ago. When it arrived in the mail, I couldn’t wait to check it out. As recommended, I warmed the soft rubbery sleeve in a sink full of hot water. A few minutes later, I inserted it into the flashlight-shaped case, lubed myself up and slid into the soft warm pink plastic pussy. My mind was blown! This was the closest thing to a real vagina that I had ever stuck my dick in, other than a real vagina!”
And if that doesn’t tell you how it feels to use a Fleshlight, this guy may never have sex with a woman again:
mrfrostee99 said this on Reddit:
“Imho it is just as good as actual sex aside from not feeling companionship. It doesn’t feel exactly the same, it’s actually MORE stimulating than pussy and just different. Different sleeves to all feel quite different in my experience. It won’t ruin normal jacking off for you, but it’s so much better.”
I previously mentioned that some of the 100 men sharing their Fleshlight fun had some creative ideas on making solo time feel more realistic. Well, take some notes, guys, you may need these later.
Creative Ways These Guys Made a Fleshlight Feel More Like Sex
Look ma, no hands! Some of the men took their Fleshlight love to a whole other level by making their alone-time hands-free. A few guys suggested hollowing out a pillow or stacking pillows and cushions so they could do their Fleshlight doggy-style.
A few others swore by shoving their Fleshlight between the mattress and box springs for a steady stroke. And others suggested a little DIY Fleshlight magic by making a Styrofoam mount and even using a shoe.
Acenmalijah had this advice:
“Try a shoe. I thought it sounded weird at first but it works very well. Obviously, it’s for a different position but it’s a quality no hands experience.”
If you think that’s interesting, this guy went above and beyond to make his Fleshlight experience feel fantastic. Anonymous said:
“1st of all take the silicone insert out of that plastic outer shaft case, wrap it in a face towel & lock it in between 2 waist high heavy suitcases.
Use your Mrs. hand cream, moisturizer cream or similar around the entrance & pump away like it’s the real deal.
Works pretty good for me, & without those stupid vibrator bullets add ons, was pretty effin good you gotta get creative with these things.”
Before you guys begin wandering around the house, looking for a nook, cranny or crevasse into which you can shove your Fleshlight, the company makes a clever shower mount that sticks to any flat, smooth surface. In addition, you can purchase a custom Liberator cushion that holds Fleshlights in place so you can bang away without stacking pillows, sofa cushions or luggage.
Fleshlight Fails
Fleshlights are extremely popular sex toys for men. And, after reading more than 100 reviews, a majority of men say Fleshlights feel good. However, as with all things, you must take the good with the bad. Even guys who love their Fleshlight have a couple of minor complaints.
30 out of 100, to be exact.
Those complaints were limited to the case being a bit bulky or some sleeves not feeling as good as others. But the top complaint from those who still love the way their Fleshlight feels, is that it’s a pain to clean. Sure, it’s inconvenient to pull the sleeve out and wash it with soap and water, but keeping your Fleshlight clean, is important.
This anonymous poster on Reddit is a bit concerned with the materials from which Fleshlights are made:
“Also, a lot of ‘popular’ Fleshlights aren’t body safe material. If I remember correctly, the actual Fleshlight brand is made out of Cyberskin, which is porous and cannot be cleaned completely. Silicone is body-safe, and can be boiled to sanitize completely. It’s better to splurge on a long-lasting, clean toy if you can.”
While he is right about the skin-type material from which Fleshlights are molded, that’s what gives the sex toy it’s realistic feel. Additionally, this type of material isn’t unsafe, considering you’re not using it internally. It’s simply a porous material that can hold bacteria and viruses if it’s not cleaned and dried thoroughly.
So, wash your Fleshlight! Dry it well. Don’t share it with anyone. And if you do those things, you’re Fleshlight will last a long time and your penis won’t turn green and fall off….although I have never heard of that happening from a dirty Fleshlight. You get the jest.
These Guys Just Say No to the Fleshlight
Out of 100 reviews I read, only 11 of those were negative. These are guys who said they either didn’t care for the product or absolutely hated it.
But some guys complained about the product when they are just doing it wrong. Narendra Shinde had this to say:
“No! Don’t buy flashlight [sic]. Believe me it’s very difficult to replicate original pussy…original is original.
When I tried flashlight first thing I noticed is that silicone dose [sic] not holds moisture and sticks to skin while masturbating it hurts very bad and blister the delicate pennis [sic] . Giving pleasure is far from reality.
Second thing is smell of rubber……omg it smells so chemically that you never forget that smell in your lifetime. It doesn’t go away by washing no matter how hard you try.
It’s very costly and doesn’t even fulfill the requirement. Just a showpiece.
I used it first time and was my last time for sure”
Hmmm. Maybe he did buy an actual flashlight and not a FLESHLIGHT. I do hope all of you know that lubricant not only helps to enhance your masturbation experience, it keeps the material from sticking to your penis – and causing rash, soreness and blisters.
But to this next Fleshlight user, size matters. Sean Sanders said:
“Personally, I find the bulk a little annoying. I didn’t really need something for at home, I wanted a “travel aid” but I found other options to be better for that purpose.
Seriously, look at the size of that thing. It’s obnoxiously large.”
Apparently this user didn’t know about the Fleshlight Quickshot which is made specifically for travel and is much smaller than the classic Fleshlight.
Finally, some guys just prefer to wank a few times a day using their bare hands. Ace said this about his Fleshlight experience:
“They’re bloody awful. I honestly miss the old days, when I could use my hand to wank 2–3 times/day. That was far better than any Fleshlight/male vibrator I’ve ever used, aside from the automatic versions, since I haven’t tried them yet. The feel of the rubber just doesn’t compare to the real thing.
And as others have said, if you’re just using it to wank, it’s best to stick with your hands. Maybe other men know how to get pleasure from these things. I guess it’s best to go with the $200+ version. It does all the work as you sit there. I suppose it simulates getting a BJ or a woman riding you.”
Maybe Ace needs to find a couple of pieces of luggage.
Fleshlight Love
Despite the low rate of Fleshlight haters, there are 50 out of 100 men that are in love with their Fleshlight. Wondering how a Fleshlight feels?
This husband gave the sex toy 5 stars and left this review on Trustpilot:
“My wife can have a headache anytime she wants now.
This is the best tool for the job. No more guess work, will she, won’t she, is she in the mood. Now I can say, no thank you honey I’m good or better yet sorry I have a headache..LMAO! “
And this guy? Well he is loving how his Fleshlight feels, even during a global pandemic!
“So, for years (during my 20s), I always scoff the Idea of using Fleshlight or any sex toy thinking it be too weird [sic] for me. I was young trying to hook up with girls at club. Now I’m in my 30s (and single), with pandemic and lack of socializing, out of a whim and bought a Lisa Ann Barracuda 4 days ago. Wow f*cking amazing. I can’t stop using it. Jerking off to my fantasies (ex gfs/ celebs etc.) is just something. It’s pure bliss. Like why didn’t I get one of these years ago? I’m definitely looking to get another one.”
I found this short but sweet review from Trustpilot to be interesting and one that speaks volumes…. either about the Fleshlight or his ex.
“This Fleshlight is amazing! Better then [sic] my ex-girlfriend!!”
But if you’re truly asking yourself, “What does a Fleshlight feel like?”.
Mike in Colorado is a Fleshlight connoisseur and offers you this opinion:
“Each Fleshlight is unique in its own way/fashion. Some textures are similar to other textures, but they still have their own unique points. Example: Both Crush and Caliente are loose and mild textures, but Caliente gives me what I think of as a pillowy smothered feeling to the experience and Crush has its own feeling to it.
Favorites? My top 2 favorites right now are Beyond and the Mini-lotus. After that I have 20 some textures on the current favorites list of my 45 textures.”
45 textures? You know how some women have a shoe closet? Mike needs a Fleshlight closet!
So, in the end, whether they like it for the way you can adjust the suction or because it feels a lot like a real vagina, these guys have some pretty convincing advice when it comes to buying a Fleshlight.
The Finishing Stroke; What Men Really Think About the Fleshlight
I’m hoping, by now, you have a better idea of what a Fleshlight feels like. Personally, I’m a bit jealous that I don’t own a penis myself, as most innies (vibrators and dildos) feel very much the same. I can only imagine that a Fleshlight feels much more like the real thing that any female sex toy offerings. And, I have never come across a sex toy I would walk down the aisle, like this 5-star review I found on Trustpilot.
What does a Fleshlight feel like? Get that engagement ring ready….
“If this thing could cook, I’d be all set!
I have to say I was leery of all the hype around the Fleshlight. I mean, seriously, how good could it be? Well, after having received mine and taken it around the block a few times I can say it lives up to the hype and then some!
Of course, nothing can beat the real thing, but the Fleshlight is awesome. The one I chose is modeled after the glorious nether regions of a porn star whose work I admire. It looks realistic and the material feels amazing! Great to improve stamina. This thing grips me and doesn’t let go. Cleanup is easy and quick.
Something I thought was kind of funny is that it really only looks like a flashlight from a distance. Anyone who looks at it for more than two seconds will be able to tell it’s not one, but who cares. If you have to hide it, just stick it in a drawer.
All in all, a fantastic experience, great investment, and I look forward to years of good times with my Fleshlight. Oh, and if you can find an open-minded woman, try having her use it on you. Wild stuff. Thanks, Fleshlight!”