How to Give a Blow Job

A complete guide on how to give the best blow job, including tips, tricks and incredible advice from penis-owners!

Knowing how to give a blow job is an important skill if you happen to be partnered with a penis owner! And whether you are a newbie or a pro at giving head, we can all add to our bag of tips and tricks.

Therefore, since I wrote an extensive guide on “The Best Ways to Eat Pussy,” it was time I wrote something for those of us that give head or want to learn how.

So, let’s get into it and learn how to give the best blow job!

The Quickie: How to Give a Blow Job

  • A blow job doesn’t involve blowing at all, rather sucking the penis, licking and using your hands to stimulate the penis-owner.
  • The most sensitive areas of the penis include the glans, frenulum, corona, shaft and yes, the testicles too.
  • A penis doesn’t really stink, unless the penis owner hasn’t showered recently.
  • Foreplay is important in giving a great blow job and something most men desire as much as their partners do.
  • Romancing the penis involves using your mouth, tongue and hands in various ways including sucking, licking in different ways, stroking, nibbling and so much more.
  • Knowing how to deep throat a penis isn’t a hard and fast rule, as it all stems from a misunderstood legend and porn movie. That being said, there are ways to learn the technique, as well as ways to cheat a little bit.
  • Swallowing after a blow job is important to some receivers, so learning ways to swallow, or discreetly spit is another important aspect of giving great head.
  • There are further ways to educate yourself on how to give a blow job, including online schools that teach all sorts of blow job and a wonderful variety of sex techniques.
  • Blow job positions are also a great way to enhance oral sex. Additionally, positions allow for you to stimulate the rest of his body and control depth of penetration.
  • Men love for us to mix things up, swallow (if possible), pay attention to the entire genital area and most of all, be into giving them head.

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What’s a Blow Job?

Before we get into all the delicious and dirty details of how to give the best blow job, let’s start at the beginning, with the basics.

Exactly, what is a blow job?

First off, it has nothing whatsoever to do with blowing. Well wait, in some cases it does – more on that later.

But if you slide a penis in your mouth, seal your lips around that shaft and blow, your cheeks puff out, you make a fart-like sound, and your head flies back, shooting him out of your mouth like a rocket.

Therefore, a blow job actually entails sucking – as well as licking, nibbling and a bit of hand action too. In essence, a blow job is pleasuring a penis with your mouth.

No blowing required.

Not only that, giving him a blow job is one of the most intimate acts you can do for him, in my opinion. And on top of that, I’ve yet to meet anyone with a penis that doesn’t love oral sex.

How to give a blow job: Other words for Blow Job

How to Give a Blow Job

So, how do you give a blow job and make it the best they’ve ever had? Well, we are going to cover every tantalizing detail including the anatomy of the penis, his erogenous zones, how to use your mouth, tongue and hands to pleasure that penis, as well as more techniques and positions.

But first, we have to cover something that is important in all cases of sex, including giving a blow job.

Consent is key when it comes to sex of any kind, with any person. And yes, as much as he will start wagging his tail like an excited puppy at the mere mention of your mouth on his penis, it must be consensual.

In addition, that includes not using oral sex as a weapon, or a means of manipulation.

For instance, back in the day, when I did sex toy parties, women used to refer to blow jobs as “shopping money”, “a night out with the girls”, “the dirty deed”, or “emptying the honey-do list.”

In other words, giving their partners head was a means to an end, a quid-pro-quo, and not something they did simply to pleasure him. It was accepted manipulation.

And although I never heard their partners complain, still, sexual manipulation is not consent.

So, giving him a blow job shouldn’t be a favor or a trade-off for yard work. It should be something you desire to do.

The Anatomy of a Penis

Penis Diagram
Illustration from Standard of Care

Giving a blow job without knowing the anatomy of the penis is like going on a road trip without GPS; you kind-of know how to get there, and eventually do. However, you miss some of the best attractions on the way.

For that reason, it’s important to know where the penis is most sensitive, where you need to be gentle, and where you can go a little wild. So, now you have a medical map of the penis, to which you can refer back, as we cover each area.

But first, let’s talk about the most controversial part of a penis – a part not all penises have.

The Penis with Foreskin

Penis with foreskin diagram
Illustration from The Cleveland Clinic

Everyone born male is born with foreskin covering the glans of the penis. In fact, the penile foreskin is equal to the hood of the clitoris – as we all start out as female.

Now, the foreskin itself, when left on the penis, serves to protect the extremely sensitive glans of the penis – or head, a more commonly used term. Further, the foreskin rolls back, exposing the glans, when the penis becomes erect.

But does removing the foreskin during circumcision make a difference when it comes to penile sensation? The answer to that, depends on who you ask.

In fact, those who are against circumcision claim that the foreskin has 20,000 nerve endings, therefore, foreskin removal diminishes penile sensitivity. On the other hand, there has never been scientific proof that there are that many nerve endings contained in the foreskin.

Indeed, there have been countless studies done on penile sensitivity in regard to circumcision and in this study in particular, those studies combined are compared. And the conclusion is that circumcision has little to do with reduction in sensitivity.

In the end, what does that mean for you, the blow job giver? It means that circumcised or not, the penis is extremely sensitive, with certain areas being more receptive to sexual stimulation than others.

What Does a Penis Smell Like?

A concern that new oral sex givers have is whether or not it stinks when you travel down south. Not surprisingly, those who want to learn the best ways to eat pussy have the same concern.

So, let’s get real and answer this question; what does a penis smell like?

To be honest, a clean penis smells like soap or body wash. However, if your partner just got home from work or the gym, it’s quite a different story.

In addition, if he’s not the best at cleaning up after a long toilet session, things can get funky.

Therefore, if you’re a person with a penis reading this, you own all the parts that can get funky when sweaty. So, you already know this.

However, if you’re a vulva owner who’s never buried your face in the genitals of a guy, you have no idea of what it smells like. Or do you?

Yes, vulva owners sweat too. Combine that with how our vagina’s clean themselves, and the proximity to our bottom, and well, you know the basics of how he will smell.

In addition, you can add a little musky scent to that, as testicles tend to sweat as well, especially if he wears tightie-whities or other snug-fitting undies.

How to Give Him Head if He Smells

Okay, let’s be frank here. If you enjoy giving head, sometimes it really doesn’t matter if his junk smells a bit, well, less like an Irish Spring.

But again, if you are just learning how to give head or gag easily, there may be an issue. So, what do you do?

First of all, most penis owners won’t be offended if you ask him to shower, because you want to orally pleasure him. Seriously, he’ll be in the shower before you can say blo…..

Next, you can make showering a sexy part of foreplay by asking him to join you in the shower. Then, soap up all those masculine parts, rinse and enjoy the delicious smell of freshy showered man.

They should really make a scented candle of that.

Finally, if all else fails, grab some scented massage oil or edible lube. That way, he’ll enjoy a little hand action foreplay, and it should make him absolutely yummy.

The First Step in Giving a Great Blow Job is Foreplay

Foreplay for men can be as little as a northwesterly breeze. Unfortunately, everyone believes that because penis owners arouse so easily, they don’t need, or desire, foreplay.

On the contrary, penis owners want foreplay. After all, who doesn’t want longer, more drawn-out touching, kissing and making out?

Here’s what the experts have to say about couples and foreplay.

Vulva-Owners Need It, Penis-Owners Want It

As much as we believe penis owners don’t need foreplay, they do, in fact, need and desire it. This article cites 2 studies, the first of which covers a Canadian study that says both heterosexual partners desired the same amount of foreplay, at 19 minutes.

Furthermore, a second study cited males aged 57-85, who reported less sexual difficulties after prolonged foreplay. Meaning, older men not only desire extended foreplay, but benefit from it.

Therefore, since most females need longer foreplay to complete the full arousal process, we should be giving our male counterparts the same, prolonged pleasure.

So, before going down on him, take the time to tease and pleasure him! Now, let’s discuss some great foreplay tips for your penis owning partner.

Sext Him Up Before the Blow Job

How to give a blow job: Sext him up

It’s certainly true that people with penises are more easily aroused. That is because they are more easily visually stimulated – which explains why pornography is more widely consumed by men.

Now, before you all start screaming at me, “Not all men, women or people of any gender are the same!” I agree that we all differ in our likes and dislikes when it comes to sex and arousal.

However, I am speaking the scientific side of arousal and what fires those brain cells in men vs woman.

So, sext him up before giving him that amazing blow job later. And that can include some naughty talk or some racy pics, or both.

To be honest, nudes aren’t necessarily the best pics to send. In fact, a pic that teases, leaving more to the imagination, will leave him wanting to see more, in person.

Therefore, get creative with sexy leg pics, peek-a-boo pics of you right out of the shower and partially wrapped in a towel, or a shot of your lace covered cleavage.

Then, tell him exactly what you plan on doing to him later.

Hence, you have already begun foreplay with him!

Share Some Porn

Porn is a great way to get things from zero to one-fifty in no time. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be something he watches on the regular.

On the contrary, you can share some porn with a bit more of a storyline (for your pleasure) and a whole lot of sex in the end (for his). For instance, sites like Sssh offer a vast array of porn to suit any taste, as well as erotica, sexy photos and stories you can share.

Plus, getting yourself aroused before giving him that blow job, makes it much more exciting for the both of you. But more on that later.

Hit Those Erogenous Zones

How to give head: Male erogenous zones

Other ways to foreplay, and prepare to give the best blow job, includes exciting all of his erogenous zones. And yes, it includes more than his penis!

For instance, the male body has just as many hot spots as the female body including the nape of the neck, nipples, back and lower stomach. Start by touching him through his clothing while cuddling against him and kissing.

Kiss his neck, gently suck on and kiss his ear lobes, run your nails up and down his thighs through his jeans and do the same down his back. Continue to discover more erogenous zones by touching him all over his body to see how he responds.

You may be surprised at what you find!

Finally, when things are getting too hot to handle, pull his shirt off and shower his skin with all sorts of stimulating touches with your fingertips, nails and palms of your hands.

Give Him a Sensual Massage Pre-Blow Job

Giving him a sensual massage before a blow job will not only relax him, but will excite his erogenous zones and prolong that coveted foreplay.

And don’t just use your hands; you can use your body against his, with warm oil in between, to arouse him even more.

Simply put, do everything you love in a massage, but sex it up with some naughty talk, body contact and kisses on and around his erogenous zones.

Then, flip him onto his back, oil his upper body up and straddle his groin – just be sure you are still wearing underwear – because sometimes the temptation to take him is just too great!

Lastly, pay attention to his lower body as well, as the upper, inner thighs are extremely sensitive because of their proximity to his genitals.

No Touch Foreplay

Before grabbing hold of his manhood and giving him the best head, continue the foreplay by kissing, caressing and teasing all of his body.

But no touching his penis! Unless, of course, you accidentally graze him with your fingers or arm.


Start at his neck and work your way down his body with sensual kisses, licks, massaging and differing types of touch using your fingertips and nails (gently). Most importantly, if his nipples are sensitive, do not pass up the opportunity to lick and suck them too.

Most of all, watch his body respond to your touch, especially when you hit his most sensitive spots – his penis will actually twitch and jump as you arouse him. And, you definitely know you are on the right track when he gets goosebumps!

Finally, work your way down to his lower stomach and groin area. Then work your magic with your fingers, hands and lips, moving around his groin and to his upper thighs.

So, now that you’ve worked him up, teased and tantalized, it’s time to grab a hand full of manhood and give him the best blow job of his life. But how?

Here are some of the best tips, tricks and techniques that will have him saying you are the best he’s ever had.

First, Romancing the Glans

The glans of the penis is extremely sensitive, teaming with around 4,000 excitable nerve endings. Therefore, the head of the penis is one of the prime stops on the road map of how to give a great blow job.

Therefore, pay special attention to the tip, lavishing it with licking, sucking and tongue swirls. Plus, using your hands to stimulate the glans during oral sex, amplifies his excitement.

For instance, wrap your hand around the glans, squeezing gently. Then, slide your hand down, until the head pops into view.

Then, immediately place the head back into your warm mouth.

And that’s just a single tip for the tip. But no worries, there are plenty more blow job tips coming.

Thrill His F-Spot for the Best Head

Frenulum illustration
Illustration from The Cleveland Clinic

The frenulum, or f-spot, is one of the most sensitive areas on the penis. It’s even said that some penis owners can orgasm from frenulum stimulation alone!

However, if you’re unsure what the frenulum is and where it’s located, it’s imperative to learn now so you can give him the best head!

As noted in the illustration above, the frenulum, sometimes called the “banjo string”, is a band of tissue found where the foreskin (or former foreskin) intersects with the head of the underside of the penis.

Additionally, even if the penis is circumcised, a small piece of the frenulum may remain. It’s often shaped like the letter “V.”

Therefore, you can stimulate this area using your tongue, either pointed with an up-down or side-to-side motion, or flattened out and either moving your head or the penis from side-to-side.

Another trick for stimulating the f-spot is by using drops of his pre-cum to drive him wild. First, wrap your fingers and hand around his shaft, as if you are stroking him.

Bring your hand up, underneath the glans with the frenulum facing you. Then, take your thumb, smooth drips of semen onto the frenulum and massage in a circular motion.

Finally, alternate rubbing his f-spot with sucking his glans. That way, you’ll keep the head of the penis and the f-spot, wet and slippery.

Make the Head More Sensitive with This Little Trick

Did you know that you can make the head of the penis even more sensitive by using your hands? Yes, you can, and it is another fantastic tip in our guide on how to give a blow job.

You see, there are these amazing sex toys called cock rings. Originally, they were created by a physician and used to help with erectile dysfunction, by restricting the backflow of erectile blood from the penis.

As a result, the cock ring keeps the penis rock hard and much more sensitive. Consequently, you can create the exact same effect by using your hands while giving him oral pleasure.

So, wrap your hand around his penis, near the center to lower area of the shaft. Then, gently pull downward, leaving your hand tightly around the base of his dick.

What this does is pulls down the foreskin in those who are uncircumcised, or the extra, outer-skin on those who have been snipped.

Next, continue to hold your hand at the base of the penis shaft, applying enough pressure to keep him upright and super-hard. Viola, you have just created a human cock ring!

Now, bathe his (more sensitive) penis with sensual sucks and licks, and watch him melt in absolute pleasure!

This Corona Shouldn’t Be Skipped When Giving Head

While learning how to give a blow job, it’s important that you not skip the corona. And nope, we’re not talking about the beer brand or the virus.

The corona portion of the penis is the space just underneath the glans. Therefore, it’s another penis hot spot that shouldn’t be overlooked when giving a blow job.

In addition, the corona is an area that is excited when you are sucking on the head of the penis, as your lips are in direct contact and applying pressure.

Also, you can drive him wild by using your tongue to trace around the corona. Or, you can lick upward, stimulating the corona while flicking the glans.

Finally, go around the corona with your tongue, stop and flick the frenulum and continue back around, full-circle.

How to Give Great Head: Stimulating the Shaft

We’ve already discussed making a cock ring with your hand, which makes him harder and the glans more sensitive. So, here are some other ways to romance the shaft.

Yes, bobbing up and down with the penis in your mouth feels incredible, especially when you vary the tightness of your lips and how hard you are sucking. However, you can thrill him in other ways too.

Licking Like It’s Yummy

Licking the shaft of the penis not only feels fantastic to him, but it gives you the opportunity to engage in a little dirty talk – even if it’s simply moans of satisfaction.

First, while still holding tight onto the base of his shaft, lick the full length, bottom to top, stopping to take the head into your mouth. Then, repeat like you’re licking the hot, summer drips off a melting ice cream cone.

To add to the blow job sensuality, lick around the shaft and change the shape of your tongue from flat to pointed. Then, take his entire length into your mouth.

What this does is changes the temperature he feels from cool, to warm and wet, then back again. Finally, the next time you lick upward, pause, make eye contact with him, smile, and take him into your mouth again.

Finally, making eye contact is one of those visuals that absolutely turns him on, and one of the most coveted things they want during a blow job. More on that, coming up!

Nibble Sideways

Surely, your tongue is going to get tired with all of the licking. Well, you can give your tongue a rest by nibbling on the shaft instead.

Simply turn your head to the side and gently nibble, as if you’re enjoying corn on the cob. However, just be sure and not use your teeth.

Then, work your way up and down the shaft with your lips, gently sucking in and releasing. And, when you get to the top, take him into your mouth again to give him the cool to warm and wet sensation.

All the while, hold his penis at the bottom of the shaft, in the cock ring position, or at the bottom and top, giving the head of his penis a gentle squeeze or massage.

Ever Played a Harmonica?

If you’ve ever played a harmonica as a kid, you know how you put it between your lips and slide it back and forth as you suck and blow. Well, why not do the same thing while giving a blow job?

Well, minus the blowing as you will probably just make strange noises, like you do when you blow on somebody’s belly.

Hence, tip your head to one side and, while holding the penis at the base and tip, place your lips on the shaft and gently suck as you slide up and down the full length.

And, to give him a thrilling surprise, suddenly suck the head of his penis into your mouth, and move up and down a few times before returning to playing the flesh harmonica.

Lay It and Lick It Technique

The lay it and lick it technique is not only about making him feel good, but it also gives him some fantastic visuals! Therefore, it’s another great blow job technique that will make him crazy!

So, while you have his penis in your mouth, move upward on his shaft and let his penis go, allowing it to flop onto his lower stomach. Then, give him intense eye contact and a little grin.

Next, while keeping eye contact, place your tongue at the base of his penis and move your entire body toward him as you lick the entire length of his dick.

Once at the top, he should be getting an eye-full of your breasts (or chest). Give him a little grin and start all over again.

How to Use Your Mouth to Give the Best Blow Job

Learning how to give a blow job is all about the basics. From there, you learn your own little tricks and techniques based on what your partner enjoys.

So, learning how to use your mouth on a penis is the first and most important step.

First and foremost, be sure and curl your lips over your teeth when sliding a penis into your mouth. That’s because teeth can scrape the skin of the penis, especially when you are sucking.

Additionally, placing your tongue over your bottom teeth protects his penis while stimulating him at the same time.

Next, you can move your mouth up and down the penis, with and without suction in order to vary the sensations. Plus, you can tighten and loosen your lips, changing the seal you have created, as well as the sensations he feels.

Plus, don’t forget that gentle kisses, from tip to base, feel amazing, especially when changing from sucking and moving up and down the shaft.

Finally, using your voice to hum or moan, while you have the penis in your mouth, creates a vibrating sensation and one of the reasons blow jobs are also known as “hummers”.

Using Your Tongue for Unforgettable Blow Jobs

The next basic step in learning how to give a blow job is perfecting different ways of using your tongue. As I just mentioned, placing your tongue over your bottom teeth helps to protect the penis from scraping and injury. But it also allows you to wrap your tongue around the shaft as you suck.

Some other tongue techniques to try include:

  • Flattening your tongue while licking the shaft and head of the penis.
  • Pointing your tongue and flicking, especially the head, f-spot and corona.
  • While licking with flattened tongue, instead of moving your head from side-to-side, grasp his penis at the base and move it from side-to-side on your tongue.
  • Swirling your tongue in a circular motion, especially with your mouth over the head of his penis, will drive him wild.

How to Give a Hands-On Blow Job

Next, let’s talk about using your hands when giving the best blow job. After all, using your hands assists in holding his dick where you want it to be, as well as adding pressure and sensation.

Plus, placing your hand toward the base of his penis, not only creates the cock ring effect, but it takes up more length, making it easier to create a deep-throat sensation.

Most importantly, using your hands allows you to take a break, while still romancing his penis.

And trust me, if he’s not getting off quickly, your jaw and neck will stiffen up. So, use your hands to take a break as often as you need to.

Here are some different techniques you can try when using your hands while giving him head.

The 3S Technique

Want to know how to give the best blow job? Try using the 3S technique; spit, stop and stroke.

First off, not all penis owners are fond of super-wet blow jobs. However, if he likes slippery head, then the 3S technique is perfect.

Now, as you have him in your mouth, try not to swallow too much saliva. Instead, allow it to coat his penis, from head to base.

Next, stop sucking, wrap your hand around his shaft and stroke. Then, once the natural lube starts to dry up, slide his penis back into your mouth.

What this does is changes the sensations of wet and warm suction to cool, intense stroking and back again. Plus, as mentioned above, taking a break to stroke his dick, gives your mouth, jaw and neck a little break.

Hands on the Glans

No matter how you are using your mouth and tongue to pleasure his penis, putting your hands on the glans will drive him wild!

Here are a few hands on the glans tips that gives a whole new meaning to head job.

  • Curl your hand into a fist and place it over the head of his penis. Push down until the glans pop through. Then immediately slip it into your mouth.
  • Try the opposite, only don’t squeeze as hard.
  • While nibbling up and down the shaft, keep the glans cozy in the palm of your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze from time to time.
  • Use your fingertips and nails (gently!) to tease the tip.
  • Use your thumb to stroke the f-spot while putting gentle pressure on the head of the penis.

Suck N Stroke

Knowing how to give good head is all about mixing things up. I mean, think about receiving oral sex and the things your partner does that make you feel incredible.

Now, get creative while going down on him by trying the suck and stroke technique.

To begin, be sure his dick is slippery wet either with your saliva or a bit of flavored, edible lube. Then, wrap your hand around the base of his penis with your mouth around the top.

Now, using your hand, or both hands, stroke his shaft up and down while moving your mouth up and down his penis in unison.

What this does is gives him an explosion of tightness and wetness, all the while feeling like you are deep throating him.

On top of that, you can switch up the rhythm and move your mouth and hand in the opposite direction.

However, be careful! This move may send him over the top quickly!

Taking it All: How to Deep Throat

How to give good head: deepthroating

Giving good head isn’t necessarily about swallowing his entire length. However, sometimes it is.

After all, I’ve not met a penis yet that didn’t love to be taken all the way. But first, let’s talk about how the deep-throat myth came about.

Linda Lovelace in Deep Throat

Contrary to what the younger generation believes, Linda Lovelace wasn’t just a porn star that could give great face. In truth, the character in the 1972 porn movie, Deep Throat could never reach orgasm.

Enter the good Doctor Young who examines Lovelace, only to discover the reason for her difficulties; her clitoris was in her throat. Hence the doctor recommends Lovelace learn the art of giving head in order to achieve an orgasm.

And so, the story of Deep Throat was born.

Giving Great Head by Using Deep-Throat Techniques

Unfortunately, for head-givers, a lot of penis owners think everyone can take every inch of maleness down their throats.

Sure, tell that to someone who can gag by merely brushing their teeth.

Deep throating can be easy for some, especially if you have no gag reflex, your partner is less endowed, or you get so excited about giving face, you get off on taking it all. But what do you do if you have no idea how to start?

Well, take it nice and slow and try these tips:

  • Breathe! Holding your breath only increases the gag reflex.
  • Get horny! The more aroused you are, the more easily you can go wild on him!
  • Find a position that helps relax the throat. Blow job positions, coming up.
  • Learn to relax your throat by practicing with your fingers.
  • Try mutual oral sex (or 69) to keep your mind focused on your arousal and not your gag reflex.

Will Numbing My Throat Help Me Deep Throat?

When learning how to give a blow job, many givers are concerned about being able to deep throat a penis. Well, back in the day, when I did sex toy parties, there was this amazing product by Kama Sutra called “Pleasure Balm”.

Now, the entire product has changed since then. However, the original product was a numbing gel, used primarily to desensitize the penis.

But we also sold it as a throat numbing product, which worked so well, we couldn’t keep it in stock. Even women who gagged while brushing their teeth used the product.

Since then, other products have been created specifically for desensitizing the gag reflex, allowing for deeper throat penetration. And I have always highly recommended using products such as these.

However, as with all people in the same line of work, some of us don’t agree on certain things. And throat numbing spray is one of those subjects.

Rachel wrote a fantastic blog post about deep throat sprays and safety. Her opinion is that they are unsafe.

Now, I am not going to say either of us are right or wrong. But, feel free to read her article and make your own decision.

Indeed, if you are concerned about using pleasure products to desensitize the gag reflex, instead, try an FDA approved spray used for sore throats, available at your local pharmacy.

That way, you get the same effect, without worrying about the ingredients being unsafe.

Furthermore, once the spray has absorbed into the throat tissues, the likelihood of transfer to his penis, is extremely low. That way, there are no worries about him having a numb penis.

Giving Head and Throatgasms

The final deep throat tip I’d like to discuss is the throatgasm. Yes, I am talking about an orgasm that is triggered when deep-throating a penis.

This phenomenon occurs because of the vagus nerve, which runs on either side of the throat and connects to many areas of the body, including the cervix and uterus. In essence, this incredible nerve is a super highway, directly to the brain.

Therefore, it is believed that some blow job givers can actually orgasm by stimulating the vagus nerve in the throat. And I have experienced this several times.

Best yet, the throatgasm is a deep, cervical orgasm that completely floods the body with warm waves of pleasure. So, if you can work your way up to deep-throating your partner’s penis, you may be able to experience an incredible throatgasm.

Deep Throat Cheating

How to give a blow job: The Good Head Blow Job Stroker

So, you want to know how to give the best blow job, including sliding that penis all the way down your throat. But your gag reflex just isn’t having it.

Well, there is a simple way to cheat at deep-throating and it feels just as good as the real thing! Simply lube up his erect penis and slip on a stroker.

What this does is hugs the bottom of his shaft, taking up several inches of penis real estate. In turn, you give him oral pleasure on the rest of his penis and to him, it feels like you’re taking the whole thing down your throat.

I highly recommend the Quickshot Vantage by Fleshlight for this exact purpose. Plus, it can be used during intercourse, for hand jobs and for him to masturbate when you’re apart!

Or, try a product made specifically for deep throat blow jobs. The Good Head Blow Job Stroker is the perfect size and shape to squeeze his dick tightly while you delight the rest of him!

Don’t Forget His Balls When Giving Great Head

When learning how to give a blow job, it’s important to include his testicles. That is, if it’s something he likes.

First of all, be gentle when handling his balls, as they are extremely sensitive. Therefore, cradle, caress and gently rub them.

Next, while giving him face, use your tongue to lick, flick and delight his nuts. And the closer to get to his perineum, the better it will feel.

Finally, once you are well-versed in handling his nuts – and if he thoroughly enjoys ball-play – ever-so-gently take them onto your mouth, tease them with your tongue, all the while stroking his penis.

How to Give the Best Head by Using All of the Above Techniques

One of the most important things to know, when learning how to give good head, is mixing things up. I mean, sure, if you put a penis in your mouth and suck, it’s going to feel good.

However, the same thing, continuously, may irritate him, bore him or prolong things to the point the he won’t be able to reach orgasm. So, spice it up!

Use the above techniques together! Switch from sucking to stroking to licking to nibbling.

Thus, you’ll be slowly working him up and into a frenzy and eventually, a toe-curling, earth-shattering orgasm. And the more you practice giving him head, the better you’ll know what he likes.

But, as you’re first starting out, how do you know what your penis owner is going to like?

Contrary to what everyone thinks, penis owners want more than just a mouth around their dick. Just like we enjoy variety in oral sex, so do they.

First, you’ll learn what he likes by talking about it. Not only will you learn what he likes, talking about good head will be arousing for you both.

And remember, foreplay is the first step in giving great blow jobs.

But if you both aren’t the types to sit down and have a serious sex talk – and I’ve been in such a relationship – you must learn to read his cues.

Great Head Comes from Recognizing His Cues

Giving a fantastic blow job is all about following his cues. And the best way to do that is to think about yourself during oral sex.

How to do react when he licks your clitoris (or penis) in just the right way? Now, apply the same things to your partner.

For instance, watch for signs of pleasure like him lifting his hips and thrusting more deeply into your mouth, grabbing or stroking your head, the bed sheets or the headboard, or moving his head or body as if you’re driving him wild.

Next, listen for verbal cues that will let you know what you’re doing is pressing all of the right buttons. Some great examples are moaning, groaning, cursing and telling you how good it feels.

He may even breathe differently; sigh loudly, or even hold his breath.

But if he happens to be one of those quiet guys in bed, you’ll need to coax those verbal cues out of him. And the best way to do that is when you make that eye contact.

Yes, look at him, as you hold his penis in your hand and purr, “Does that feel good?” and “Do you want more?”

And if you want to be really playful, ask him, “Oh, do you want me to stop?”

Of course, we both know what the answer to that question will be!

The Happy Ending

Now that you know how to give the best blow job, it’s time to discuss the happy ending. You either love it or you hate it.

Therefore, the question is; to spit or to swallow?

Well, there’s much more to it than those two options. In fact, you can let him spew into the air, in your face, or on your body.

However, most all penis-owners want to finish in your mouth. And to be honest, I don’t blame them.

After all, if he’s going down on you, would you want him to stop and use his finger to finish you off? Of course not! That changes the whole feeling of the orgasm, that is, if you don’t lose the orgasm entirely.

So, let’s talk about his orgasm and how you can handle it.

How Much Do Penises Ejaculate?

Give great head

Let’s discuss ejaculate volume before we get into the age-old dilemma, to spit or to swallow. According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, the actual amount of ejaculate can vary, depending on many factors.

“When a man reaches orgasm, he ejaculates fluid called semen. On average, men expel between 1.25 and 5.00 ml (1/4 of a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon) of semen each time they ejaculate. But this amount varies from man to man.

Men usually produce the most semen when they’re in their early thirties. The amount tends to decrease as a man gets older. Heredity, diet, smoking status, and overall health can also affect semen volume. Some men ejaculate more if they haven’t had sex for a few days.”

Certainly, it seems to be a great deal more than a teaspoon. However, that’s usually because we are unsure about whether or not we can handle swallowing semen, therefore, the amount we see, or feel in our mouths, seems to be a lot more than it really is.

So, how does one decide whether or not to swallow our partner’s cum? Let’s look at some further aspects of the happy ending.

The Blow Job Gentleman

In my experience, many men are gentlemanly in the fact that they’ll give you a warning. No, I don’t think it’s actually meant as purposeful chivalry.

On the contrary, I believe most guys just can’t help but blurt out, “I’m going to cum.” And it’s nice to have that warning, especially if you’re not quite a blow job expert.

However, once you’ve given him oral pleasure several times, he won’t need to announce his impending O. You will know he is about to cum by the way he’s breathing, moving, or the way his penis feels in your mouth.

Yes, pay attention givers, his penis will get more rigid right before he explodes.

So, pay attention to what he’s saying, how he’s moving and how his penis feels. That way, you’ll be able to prepare for his orgasm.

What Does Cum Taste Like?

The taste of cum will vary depending on the penis-owner, their diet, whether or not they smoke, drink alcohol or even exercise regularly. In fact, different foods play a key role in how cum will taste.

That being said, if you’ve never tasted ejaculate before, you’ll have no idea how it tastes to begin with. So, here is my description as to how I believe it tastes, from first-hand experience.

Basically, it has a very mild plain yogurt or sour cream tasting base that’s salty and sometimes a wee bit bitter. But remember, the foods they eat can change the taste, making it less bitter and salty, and sometimes even slightly sweet.

To be honest, the taste has never been a turn-off for me. But I certainly wouldn’t sit down with a bowl-full and a spoon!

To Spit or to Swallow When Giving a Blow Job

So, here we are. We have arrived at the biggest issue in how to give a blow job.

Should you spit or swallow?

The answer to that is, whatever you choose to do. But keep in mind, with some penis owners, whichever you decide to do will affect how the ending feels to him.

I mean, I don’t believe any penis owner will say, “No thank you. I don’t want a blow job unless you swallow.” However, it does have an effect on how the orgasm feels.

For instance, I would compare not swallowing to being given cunnilingus and having him stop, just as I start to cum, and finish me off with his finger.

No, clam divers don’t have to swallow a teaspoon of bodily fluids. And in my opinion, if they did, we would definitely have some spitters!

But in the end, it all boils down to how the giver feels about swallowing. Hopefully, your partner will give you that grace, no matter which you choose to do.

How to Give a Great Blow Job Without Swallowing

I get it, some givers have a trigger gag reflex. And still others will gag because of a taste or texture.

Therefore, if you are one of those people, yet still want to give good head, there are ways to spit without ruining the penis owner’s happy ending.

Let it Ooze

The most preferred way to spit at the end of a blow job is to simply let it ooze out of your mouth. That way, you maintain contact with his penis, giving him the full-on, blow job happy ending.

But, you aren’t swallowing his semen. Rather, you release the suction on his penis, let the cum ooze down him, tighten your lips and move downward, removing the rest of the cum like a squeegee.

Viola! However, just be sure and have a hand towel or washcloth nearby so you can clean up.

The Cream Pie Ending

Some people absolutely love the look of cum all over their partner. Heck, even some givers love watching their partners ejaculate!

So, rather than swallowing, stroke him vigorously, allowing the ejaculate to hit you in the face. Just be sure and close your eyes, as semen tends to burn!

In addition, you can let it cover your breasts or even let it shoot into the air. Then, when it’s over, have a hand towel or washcloth available so you can both clean up.

The Secret Spit

How to give a blow job: the secret spit

Finally, if you can actually handle the taste of his sperm, but don’t want to swallow, you can pull a secret spit.

What this entails is simply following through with giving him the happy ending. However, tuck that cum into your cheeks.

Then, as he is basking in the glow of an amazing O, you discreetly spit his load into a waiting washcloth or dish towel. That way, he gets the full blow job experience and you don’t have to swallow!

How to Swallow at the End of a Blow Job

Swallowing your partner’s love juice is an extremely personal and intimate thing. And some of us can do it without a second thought.

However, not everyone is keen on performing this intimate act. And that can be due to the gag reflex, the taste and texture, the fact that it may upset your stomach, or the fear of sexually transmitted infection.

But if you do want to swallow and aren’t quite sure how to, here are some tips to make swallowing more comfortable and palatable.

Deep-Throating While You Swallow

The easiest way to swallow semen at the end of a blow job is by keeping his penis as far into your throat as you can. Then, as he ejaculates, you simply swallow a few times.

As a result, you won’t taste the semen at all and it won’t gather in your mouth. And that is what usually freaks givers out the most.

For instance, you don’t swallow as he shot, and there it sits, in your mouth, and you are over-thinking swallowing it. In turn, you may have to force it down, causing you to gag.

Been there, done that!

Therefore, even if he is placed further back on your tongue, you can swallow as you would if drinking from a straw – suck, swallow, suck, swallow.

Keep Water Nearby

A great how to give a blow job tip is to simply have water, or another drink, nearby. That way, after you’ve swallowed, you can grab your drink, take a swig, swish it around and swallow.

Fortunately, the taste of cum being what it is, even water removes the after-taste right away.

Flavor It!

One of the best ways to give head and enjoy it, is to add a bit of flavoring to the mix. Yes, I mean to add some yummy flavor to his package.

Plus, flavored creams and drops also add a little zing to the blow job experience, as well as making swallowing his spooge a lot more palatable!

My absolute, 100% favorite, which has been around for decades, is Good Head Mystical Mint flavor. Not only does it taste good, it gives him a cool, tingly sensation and gives you minty-fresh, kissable breath afterward!

Especially, when you blow on him.

Seriously, I have used, sold and recommended this product for years, and always had clients reorder time and time again!

Finally, be prepared for any impromptu blow job by making yourself a blow job kit! That way, you are always ready to pleasure your partner, even at his place or on the go.

The #1 Top Tip for the Best Blow Job Ever!

For decades, I have told clients about this tip for giving the best blow job. Not surprisingly, the gentlemen who answered my call for quotes and tips for this article, all gave this as one of the most important aspects of receiving head.

So, what’s the #1 tip for giving the best head? Hang on, because this may shock you.

The #1 tip for the best blow job ever is getting into it and being enthusiastic about going down on him.

What this means is enjoying what you’re doing and showing it. And, even if giving head isn’t your favorite sexual activity, acting like it’s the best thing since sliced bread will thrill him to no end!

Here are some great examples of things you can do to show him how excited you are to be sucking him off:

  • Moan and groan.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Straddle his leg.
  • Grab his thighs or butt and squeeze.
  • Take him out of your mouth, gaze at his beautiful penis then lick it like a lollipop.
  • Act like you’re about to cum.
  • Talk dirty to him, tell him you love his penis.
  • Simply hum, like he tastes like your favorite ice cream sundae.
  • Act like giving him head is the most sexy, sensual thing you’ve ever done.

Finally, if you just aren’t that great at acting, the following tip should help you learn how to give a blow job he absolutely, will never forget.

Your Arousal Helps in Giving the Best Blow Job

So, giving face isn’t your favorite activity. However, you really want to pleasure him the way he pleasures you.

Then, the best tip for being able to get into giving head is by being aroused. And I’m not talking just that tingly sensation in your vulva or balls.

On the contrary, I am talking about full blown horniness to the point that you just want to throw him down, climb on and ride him till you’re waking up the neighbors.

But, refrain from getting his dick anywhere near your pleasure center! That way, you are so incredibly aroused, you are devouring every inch of him like a sex-starved maniac!

And if you want to stay aroused, masturbate while you’re giving him head – practice a little edging. However, whatever you do, don’t cum till he does.

Who knows, his excitement may help you to climax at the same time!

Finally, if you’re still having a difficult time staying aroused, try some mutual oral sex in the 69 position. Then, you’ll be so wrapped up in your own pleasure, you’ll be giving him the best blow job he’s ever received.

How to Give a Blow Job: Surprise Tips for the Best Head

Even if you’re an expert at giving head, you can still add to his pleasure by mixing things up and surprising him. Here are some of the best surprise tips for an incredible blow job.

Temperature Play

Temperature play is a fun way to make an ordinary blow job extraordinary. For example, as I mentioned earlier, Mystical Mint Good Head gives him a cool, tingly sensation.

Better yet, blowing on his penis amplifies those sensations even more. You can also chew on ice cubes, suck on a mint or sip on a hot drink before sliding his penis into your mouth.

Or alternate between hot and cold drinks!

Add a Sex Toy

Another great add-on for the best head job is to add a sex toy. You see, adding a little vibration in just the right spot can add sensations you can’t do with your own body.

For instance, using a tongue vibrator can add sensations from tip to base, and his balls too. Or, use a bullet vibrator to tease his penis, balls and tantalize his taint.

Plus, you can use the bullet vibrator on yourself too!

Bottom Play for Mind-Blowing Head

Does your partner enjoy bottom play? Or do you think he’d be up to learning that his anus and prostate can create orgasms unlike anything he’s ever felt before?

Then, it may be time to add a little bottom play to give him a great blow job. But first, be sure he consents to trying – that is, if he’s a back door virgin.

You can always start slow, by lubing a finger and rubbing his anus. Then, maybe slip a finger in gently.

Just be sure your nails are trimmed!

Also, you can use our tips on how to finger your ass – and your partner’s.

So, which toys are the best for bottom play? Try any of these sex toys and you may just treat him to the best orgasm of his life.

  • Butt plugs: Come in all sizes from thin, beginner plugs to larger plugs, as well as plugs that vibrate.
  • Anal beads: The perfect companion to enhance a blow job. Just pull slowly as he starts to cum.
  • Prostate stimulator: These toys will give him direct prostate stimulation and an O unlike any other.

Educate Yourself and Give the Best Blow Jobs

OMGYes Review feature image

Sure, I have written a lot of information for you here. But did you know you can take online sex classes and learn even more? Yes, you can; all in the privacy of your own home!

Plus, these programs are affordable and teach you more than just how to give a blow job! Check out our top rated and recommended sex education classes, and learn even more oral sex tips.

  • Bad Girl’s Bible has a dedicated blow job course so you can become the head master in no time!
  • Beducated offers so much sex education, including blow job tips. Plus you get a free trial.
  • OMGYES is another full course sex education plan where you can learn tips and tricks to blow his mind. Also, you can read our review before you buy.
  • Finally, Shushlife can give you all the confidence you need to be a blow job superstar, as well as learning more sexual tips and tricks to spice up your love life. Check out our Shushlife review and read all about it.

The Best Blow Job Positions

Whether you’re a blow job newbie or an expert, here are some examples for the best blow job positions. However, don’t limit yourself!

The best oral sex sessions happen in different places and positions that you make up as you go along.

Kneeling Blow Job Position

Kneeling BJ position 1

This position is great for beginners and experts alike! Plus, you can do it with your partner standing or sitting.

Kneeling blow job position 2

But what makes these positions the best is that they leave your hands free to touch him and access his balls, and you have some control over depth of penetration. Just be careful if he grabs the back of your head.

Bed Head

Bed Head position

The bed head positions minimize his thrusting abilities – so no surprises. Plus, it allows you to use your hands to pleasure him.

Bed head position 2

Better yet, you have really great access to his balls, perineum and bottom.

69 Times 3

The 69 blow job position 1
69 oral sex position 2

As previously mentioned, mutual oral sex helps us to be better givers because we are as aroused as our partner is. Therefore, the 69 positions are great for intermediate and expert givers.

69 oral sex position 3

Sure, newbies are welcome to try, but you have less opportunity to use your hands and really get to know his body and cues. Plus, it’s much easier for him to thrust in 2 of these 3 positions.

Face F*cking

Face Fucking position 1

Face f*cking are positions that allow the penis owner to have most of the control. Therefore, I would recommend these positions for intermediate to expert head givers.

Face fucking position 2

That is because, as he is thrusting, it’s easier to gag, as he can go more deeply into your mouth and throat. For those who are old pros, these positions can be extremely erotic!

Open Throat Position

Open throat head position

This final blow job position is more for those who are experienced and absolutely love giving head. Plus, it opens up the throat and gives him the perfect angle for thrusting.

Most importantly, you must be well-versed in deep-throat techniques for this one. So, proceed with caution and lots of practice.

How to Give a Blow Job: The Dos and Don’ts

Before we move on to what the everyday guy on the street has to say about receiving blow jobs, let’s do a quick recap of blow job dos and don’ts.

Blow Job Dos

  • Do get into it, that’s the #1 tip!
  • Mix things up – switch up techniques, use creams and drops, try temperature play.
  • Ask him how it feels.
  • Pay attention to his cues.
  • Go wild the second he cums.
  • Discreetly clean up if you don’t swallow.
  • Make eye contact with him.
  • Breathe, relax your throat.
  • Take him deep and hum or moan – it’s called a hummer for a reason.
  • Use a sex toy, if he’s up for it.
  • Keep a bottle of water or other drink nearby.
  • Shower together if you’re concerned about odor.

Blow Job Don’ts

  • Never use head as a bargaining tool.
  • No teeth, unless he asks – some like a light graze.
  • Don’t go too hard after he cums – some guys are too sensitive.
  • Be careful not to poke or scratch with your nails.
  • No quid pro quos – sometimes it is all about him.
  • Don’t stop when he’s on the brink of the big O.
  • No over-stroking without lube, it will cause chafing.
  • Don’t manhandle his balls.
  • Do not generalize your man – cater to his personal likes and desires.

Straight from the Penis-Owners: Tips You Need to Know to Give Good Head

Pic of random guys

Who knows how to give the best head more than those who receive it?! Therefore, although I may have already mentioned the following, these penis owners wanted to share the things they like, dislike and tips for you, so you can give better head.

Most of all, please pay attention to each penis owner’s advice, as some actually contradict the others, proving just how individual blow job desires can be.

No Slobbering Dogs

Okay, so Mr. Anonymous (a 55-year-old, bi-sexual content creator) isn’t calling his giver a dog in any way shape or form. On the contrary, he simply doesn’t like drooling.

“Don’t drool like a slobbering dog,” he says, “it grosses me out!”

Other dos and don’ts Mr. Anonymous mentions include, “DON’T bite, unless the partner is into it.” And this tip for those receiving head, “DO ask your partner where you want to finish. And if you want to give a facial – ASK. It’s about consent.”

Mr. Anonymous also had this sentiment when it came to receiving, “I love when my partner treats my cock as worthy of fellatio. I like it when my partner talks to me, telling me how much she likes it.”

Finally, he had this to say to sum up his comments and tips to you.

“The number one thing I would tell givers is – the penis is not just about the shaft. Play with the testicles – work all parts of the genetalia. There are more sensitive parts than you are willing to give credit for. I understand it is a one-sided act, but know what you are doing.”

A Man Who Knows What He Wants

Mike Johnson is a 43-year-old, heterosexual male and has been the co-host of Your Mileage May Vary, a podcast dedicated to all things sex and relationships – for 5 years. In addition, Mike works as a technologist with degrees from Stanford.

And this guy, definitely knows what he wants! In regard to what he loves about receiving oral sex, Mike had this to say,

“Most important is your partner’s attitude and enthusiasm. Eye contact, the pace of her movements and the sounds that she makes all can enhance the experience.

Ideally, she will pay attention to your reactions, starting slow and unhurried, but becoming more passionate as you near your climax.

Like most men, I prefer my partner to swallow, because it avoids a sudden change at the end of the act, and it maximizes my pleasure at the moment of orgasm. I also love to receive oral in different positions, including ones where I am in control and “on top.”

Mike’s dos and don’ts for giving head, to me, say a great deal, and are important tips we should all take to heart. He commented,

“The most important “do” is to avoid feeling embarrassed or ashamed about what you are doing. Own it as fully as possible.

Men want to feel like their partner is genuinely happy to be sharing the experience and wants nothing more than to be doing exactly what she is doing. I also suggest creativity in terms of positions and pacing.

Don’t always assume you have to go fast and push for the finish line; often men enjoy it when a woman is taking her time and savoring the experience.

 Important “don’ts” include comparing your partner’s penis to past partners, expressing irritation or indifference at giving oral sex.”

Finally, Mike’s advice to all givers, new and experienced alike, is this:

“Honesty is the best policy when it comes to all sex acts, and fellatio is no different. If giving head is not your favorite activity, maybe you and your partner can find other things to enjoy together.

While it’s possible to ‘fake it until you make it,’ in my experience, partners usually become disillusioned after a while. On the other hand, if you’re open to finding things to like about the experience, most couples can find a way to make it work.

Some women prefer to be in control, while others prefer to be more submissive, and both are possible in oral sex.

Another tip is for women to find a way to really connect the man’s orgasm and ejaculation to the pleasure he’s feeling. I’ve found that many women report enjoying the direct connection they feel with their partner while he is orgasming, since his penis is much more directly tangible to her when it’s in her mouth than when the two are having intercourse.”

This Guy’s Top 10 and Incredible Blow Job Tip

Alex is a bi-sexual male and co-author of, a website dedicated to sex, sex products and sex furniture. Alex not only has a fantastic top 10 dos and don’ts, but an incredible tip I’ve not heard of till he wrote to me.

“Having a partner lube up your cock with coconut oil is a game-changer. It creates this super slippery sensation that makes every stroke, lick, and swallow feel better. Plus, it’s naturally long-lasting and tastes good, so she can keep going as long as we want without having to stop to reapply lube or deal with a bad taste.

I’ve read that some women can be sensitive to coconut oil, but none of my partners have had any side effects.”

Alex would also like to share his top 10 list of things you should and shouldn’t do, when it comes to giving great head.

1. Take your time. Going fast feels good. But it feels even better when you vary the speed.

2. Show me that you love giving as much as I love receiving. The head could be average, but if the giver is enthusiastic and makes eye contact, I’ll go crazy for it.

3. Don’t forget the spit or lube. This makes the stroking in-between the mouth work much more enjoyable.

4. Be gentle with the balls. Sucking them incorrectly can be more pain than pleasure (I guess some guys might be into that, though).

5.Don’t let me cum the first time I want to. Back off when you feel me getting close, and I’ll go wild for it.

6. Don’t forget to explore with your hands and fingers. Rubbing up and down the legs and thighs and chest creates new sensations that deepen the blowjob experience.

7. SWALLOW. Seriously. There’s nothing that feels better than getting ready to cum and feeling your partner continue sucking. Even if you spit it out later, cumming in a partner’s mouth still feels incredible.

8. Don’t be afraid to keep going after he’s already cum. There’s a pleasure-pain experience when the cock gets extra sensitive like this, and some guys go wild for it.

9. Playful, gentle nibbles can feel good on the cock, but no teeth while sucking. It’s jarring and totally gets me out of the mood.

10. Don’t finish me off by hand when I tell you I’m about to cum. It’s not nearly as good as cumming while inside my partner’s mouth.”

Blow Jobs Can Be Playful Too

I must admit, this person not only impressed me, but made me giggle. In turn, he made me remember that sometimes sex, including giving a blow job, can be playful.

So, never forget that!

De’Vannon Hubert has quite the life and testimony to share (when not giving blow job tips) and you can read his story, check out his podcast and docuseries at Sex Drugs and Jesus. In addition, De’Vannon has a fantastic sexy apparel site, you must check out at Down Under Apparel.

This is what De’Vannon shared with me about his blow job likes, dislikes and tips for givers:

“What do I like?

Ha! Any kind of attention on my dick at all. I do like smacking my partner in the face with my dick right before receiving oral and also trying to stick my dick like in their nose, naval, ears and random places like that where I know it can’t fit but it’s hilarious anyway.  

What do I love?

Random fellatio. Like with my previous partner when he would be playing video games, sometimes I would walk up and stick my dick in his mouth and provide him a tasty snack.

Face fucking someone is ultra-hot like when they’re lying down on their back. Makes for an interesting angle to watch.

I love having my nut swallowed but particularly as I am deep throating. I get turned on by the choking/gagging effect and I happen to cum ALOT.

Tips: just be passionate about giving head if you’re going to bother to do it at all. Act like it’s the best thing you’ve ever done or will do while you’re in the moment.

Also listen to instructions and be open to communication. My head gets really sensitive and so from time to time I need them to lighten up.

A good mixture of a slow and fast pace also keeps things interesting.

Don’t: Bite. Forget you have teeth.”

It’s Not That Complicated

Finally, Dan Carr, a guy with a passion for cars and a blog all about his passion at, had simple and practical advice for all of you givers seeking to learn how to give the best head. Dan said,

“Endurance is a lovely thing to receive. Long lasting oral sessions are like heaven to us.

I love when a woman spits during as well.

The list of tips I wish all givers knew:

– Careful with teeth!

– Train your gag reflex if you are new/uncomfortable with the act

– Make the guy seem like its huge (fake gags go a long way).

– Create a variety of movement and areas to target instead of one, consistent action.

Here is my list of don’ts:

– Don’t get your teeth in the way

– Don’t tense up your mouth, relax!

– Don’t use one consistent action, switch up your methods and areas to target!”

Dearest givers, I am definitely seeing a trend throughout each of these penis owner’s comments. First and foremost is the absolute fear of teeth.

I mean, can you blame them? Imagine how it would feel to have someone bite your clit or labia!

No, thank you!

And again, variety is the spice of life and a great blow job. As I mentioned above, there are so many places on the penis to adore, they are a treasure trove of excitable spots that will make him curl his toes and scream in pleasure.

So, get to know your partner’s penis intimately, have fun discovering what he loves, and remember that every penis owner is different in what makes them say, “Oh yes!

Even if that means sticking it in your belly button!

Now You Know How to Give a Blow Job, Use Your Superpowers for Good!

Hopefully, this guide has given you the tools you need to give the best blow job. And whether you are a face-giving newbie or a deep-throating pro, use your new superpowers for good!

Most of all, remember that oral sex is an incredibly intimate and wonderful thing you can do for your partner. Spit or swallow, deep throat or tongue Os, giving head is a gift he will appreciate and treasure.

Plus, as I always say, orgasms are good for your health – his too! So, giving face is great for his heart, boosts his immune system, helps him sleep like a baby, and lowers his chances of developing prostate cancer.

So, suck for good health and his happiness!