Vern Holland
As a certified sexual health resource, I’m passionate about helping folks find pleasure in an accepting atmosphere. We deserve a world that embraces sexuality, uplifts diverse voices, and doesn’t shy away from the “weird” and kinky. While I love to do toy reviews in my free time, I’m also a creative writer and a graduate student who longs to empower and educate others. I long to help others like myself—queer, trans, fat folks, and anyone in between—reach their pleasure dreams, feel more at home in their bodies, and even find their own voice. This way, we can cultivate a safer, more comfortable, and sexier space for us all. Let’s celebrate pleasure, together!
Age: 24
Gender: Non-binary
Sexual orientation: Queer
Sex toy experience: Advanced
All-time favorite sex toy: We-Vibe Melt
All articles and reviews